The Craft
The Craft is a great movie, that I recommend to all people. Right now I'm going to talk about The Craft vs. Reality and a summary of The Craft.

The Craft started off by Sarah, the main star, moving away from San Francisco because of her dad being tired of it. An old man comes into the house while Sarah is unpacking and he leaves a snake on the ground which Sarah is totally afraid of and her dad kills it. Sarah goes to school and the 3 other main characters are born, they are called by some the "Bitches of Eastwick". They are Rochelle, Bonnie, and Nancy(the only real Bitch in the movie). In Spanish Class Bonnie watches Sarah concentrate on a pencil and make it rotate while it is standing at its point. Sarah gets startled by Bonnie's gasp and lose concentration. Bonnie tells Nancy and Rochelle that the 4th is here and Nancy isn't very happy about that and when Sarah goes over there to ask if she can sit with them they all look disgusted and she leaves. Chris, the over-testoronic jock, asks Sarah out and tell them who the 3 girls are and picks on them. Sarah watches Chris play a little football after school and then the 3 girls meet with Sarah. They go to the Occult Shop runned by Miriam and they all steal except for Sarah, who buys some candles and a book of shadows.

After that Sarah and the girls got really friendly. They do light as a feather stiff as a board and Bonnie's mom walks in and Rochelle falls on her ass and Bonnie thinks they are  all getting high. I guess a few days go by. A few events happen before and during this time. 1- That guy that was scared Sarah with that snake got killed when all the girls thought about him being hit by the car. 2- Sarah is freaked out by the girls. 3- Rochelle gets picked because she's black by Luara (the stuck up white bitch). 4- Bonnie goes into some hospital place for her scars. 5- Chris tells the school that Sarah gives the worse sex ever, even though they didn't have sex. 5- Nancy cries because she lives in a Trashy Trailor with a drunk, cigarette smoking mother and a drunk, fat ass step dad.

Now after they got friendly and stuff. They all went on an outting afterschool one day and went to some hills in California. They meditated, chanting, and put Sarah in their Circle. They pricked their fingers and dipped it in the wine. Rochelle asked for something to happen with Laura, Sarah asked for Chris to love her more, Bonnie asked to be beautiful outside as well as in, and Nancy asked for ALL the POWERS of Manol (selfish bitch). They all went to Sarah's house one night and Nancy sent power to Bonnie for her scars and Sarah braided some of Laura's Hair into Rochelle's so that if Laura doesn't leave Rochelle alone, something bad will happen to Laura. Well, Chis started loving Sarah more......Nancy overheated the microwave and that made Nancy's stepdad have a heart attack which she inherited alot of money.....Bonnie's scars went away.....and Laura's hair started to fall out!

Nancy and her mom moved to this new crib....and Nancy and her friends  did some Glamours, BUT Sarah did most of the work, which I think made Nancy jealous.

They decided to invoke Manol on the beach one night which gave Nancy alot of power, the power of Manol actually. So she was on a rampage then.....she changed stoplights with ease.....Sarah didn't like that and almost decided to leave the circle. Chris called Sarah one night and asked to go on a date which was agreeed. Chris wanted to have sex with Sarah and Sarah ended up getting raped by my terms, which was caused by a love spell type thing. Sarah ran to Rochelle's house and Bonnie and Nancy came over. Nancy decided to go to the party where Chris is. Nancy found Chris tried to seduce him into sex, he resisted, and she turned herself into Sarah. They started having sex. Sarah, Bonnie, and Rochelle went to the party and Laura apologized for what she did. Sarah and the rest of the gang walked in and Nancy transformed back and Chris realized they are all Witches. Chris said Nancy was just jealous which set Nancy off the edge and she had a few words of discouragement for him...which ended in his death.

Sarah wanted out and Nancy and the rest of them threatened her...but she left.

The final scene is the most unrealistic scene of the movie meaning unreal in Witchcraft. Snakes came out and Nancy called the house and said that Sarah's parents are dead. Sarah got scared and ran upstairs to the bathroom and yelled for it to stop and then Nancy popped out and it stopped. Sarah went downstairs and the rest of them started floating and Nancy slit Sarah's wrist. Sarah ran upstairs to stop the bleeding and then Rochelle and Bonnie went upstairs to see what was taking her for soo long. Meanwhile, Sarah had already chanted some stuff to get more acquainted to Manol, her Mother, and to make Rochelle and Bonnie see what they have done when they walked across the mirror. Bonnie and Rochelle ran out. Nancy went upstairs and Sarah hid IN THE MIRROR!....Nancy looked around for Sarah and then Sarah scared Nancy when she popped out. Then Sarah proved she had more power by using Magick. Sarah tried to bind her but Nancy flew through the air with a dagger and tried to stab Sarah over and over again. A dresser came sliding through the bedroom to the hallway and it Nancy jumped away and Sarah vaporized. Nancy moved the dresser and saw that there was nothing there but Sarah's clothes and Nancy flung the dagger in the air and almost stabbed Sarah but Sarah flunged Nancy in the air into a mirror and that ended that scene.

Bonnie and Rochelle went to Sarah's house to apologize a few days later and they had no powers. Sarah still had powers and made storm and made lightning hit a  branch, which caught  on fire and land on the ground.

Nancy is left to be seen in the mental institution!

The only way alot of this stuff in this movie to be accomplished in real life is by the WHOLE last scene to be done like how when Rochelle, Bonnie, and Nancy flew through Sarah's window in the dream. If they did it that way.....the whole movie would be more real.

I think Sony should come out with a sequel!

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