Magical names are extremely popular amongst Wiccans, Witches, and Pagans.
Many Wiccans have several such names.
Examples might include a public Craft name to be used
at gatherings, on the internet in email and usenet
a Secret name presented at
initiation, and perhaps an even more personal name -
one used when addressing the Goddess and God and
known only to Them and the individual. Legend says it
is not wise to share this secret name with others,
due to the possibility of using this information for
nefarious purposes.
Taking a new name is a symbol of shedding
old skin, and of a Wiccan's devotion to Wicca. It is
a motif or symbol of rebirth into the religion.

Names have always been given considerable magical
importance. Numerology is used to discover the power of names,
and many people change their names to advance in their careers.
In some cultures, mothers will bestow a secret name on their
children. This 'real' name unknown to anyone except the mother,
protects the child. In this way, the regular, every-day name by
which he/she is called has no power over them.
Is it necessary to have a Craft Name? If you wish to maintain
tradition ties to conventional Wicca, then yes. However, if you
feel freer than these constraints, adoption of a special name
isn't necessary. The decision is of course yours, and yours

Why Should I Have a Magickal Name? As previously mentioned, the
primary reason for adopting a Craft name is that it represents
the Wiccan you. Many experience a sense of mystery and power they
may otherwise not feel. Daily existence within the confines of
our commonplace world may make it difficult to turn on the
magickal side of our natures. Use of a Craft name on the other
hand, may be useful in altering the conscious mind in preparation
of ritual.

Once you've chosen your name there are plenty of things
to do with it. Always use your Craft name in ritual, whether in
Coven or Solitaire. Use it in prayer and rituals. Write it on
your tools in Runes. You may wish to do a ritual to ask the God
and Goddess and the Old Ones to recognize you by your new name.
Such a ritual is provided below. The ritual may be easily adapted
to a solitary ritual by performing the parts of the
Priestess/Priest, and being a little creative simply think in
terms of the singular instead of third person. Ask yourself,
"How would I say this regarding myself?"
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