Kiersten "Kiki" Elaine Fontenot

She was born early on a beautiful spring morning. She weighed 6 pounds 5 ounces.
She was a beautiful baby. As time went on and she learned how to smile, she did not
stop. She even smiled when she slept. As the months went on she got fat. May God Bless
her and watch over her.

Here is a map to Angel Kiki's site. Much more will be added here shortly. I
have made it easy for you to look around my site. All home buttons take you to home
page. Back or Links buttons bring you to this map and Next buttons just follow
through this website. Please stay awhile and view all this little girls pages. Please
remember to sign Kiki's guestbook, it means so much that you were here.

For those who Java is unavalible please click on Next to see Kiki's map.


Song Fly Celine Dion.
Website built by Angel Georgina's Mummy Nicki. On 18th Novemeber 2002
In loving memory of Kiki.
Contact Nicki at [email protected]


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