What can I say about me? I'm just thinking about the child in me that I sometimes feel inside and I'm figuring out just what it is that makes me feel so small. Well I live in Switzerland and I love to live life. Enjoy is important! I love music, discos, paint, stamps, golf and travel. I'm the kind of person that all I'm asking is for me to just have the tiniest bit of vision. To step back and look at the big picture. Take a chance on something which could end up the most impactful moment for my evolution. I believe in friendship. For me the word friend is a big one. A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart. You see if I have given my friendship to someone it is forever. Normally I do not expect anything in return because I believe friendship is giving and not taking. I mean, if I give something to a friend, a suggestion, help, or just my experience that doesn't mean that he has to give me something in return. Maybe a day someone else will give me something. Unfortunately I have found that not everyone think that way. Anyway I hope you do not get me wrong all I am trying to say is that my friend would not demand anything from you. I also believe whatever two friends share is sacred. It is to be treasured and cherished and not violated by exposing it to any outsider. I don't know if I am kind but I try not hurt anyone's feeling. I do tend to cherish my friends. Life is fun. I love Hinduism, Gandhi is cool. I love what he wrote "if you care for someone let him go, if he comes back is your, if he doesn't never was" or "Attachment and detachment are two faces of the same coin".
I traveled a lot. I met different person around the world, and I am happy that I met them. I have good memories related my first visit to Australia. Thanks for the trip and the special moment you gave me, if you are visiting my page you will undestand. I didn't forget you.

Experience is the best teacher. Life is an amazing thing, make the best out of it. I really look down on people that belittle themselves and their life. Especially those that are afraid of changing things for the better. I respect those that live up to their promises and goals. I am an outgoing guy and is always willing to be the shoulder that others may lie on. I am a guy that follows his heart. If I deem a risk to be for the better I will go for it, I would rather risk and fail, then to never have known that I could have succeeded. I like to fulfill fantasies and dreams.

Barcelona and Prague, thanks, but sorry I'm still the same. Sorry if I changed my programs and didn't go to Moscow with you. Was good with you, I will never forget our night in Prague. What goes around comes around.
The only thing I regret is in Paris, I was so young and stupid, sorry if I didn't come to our date. Life some times play funny games.
I believe in a lot of thinks and I am sure that you will write me. Just do it!
[email protected] I wish you a good surfing. ps: Sometimes the people we meet change us forever. I've never forgotten C. and I'm pretty sure I never will. Wherever he is, I really hope he's happy. In the end, all you can do is commit to the people you love, hope for a little luck.......and some good weather. ;o)

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