want to adopt a cute lil snuggy hunny bunny wunny bear or lion or pony or lil girl?!?!?!?! click HERE !! YAY!!

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You can click on any of the lil bears or girls through-out this web page..and it will take you to the web page where you can adopt one yourself -n- stuff!! YaY!!


This is a Gingerbread House. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!

Bet you didnt know that!! nuh uh!! LIAR!! Bish don't talk back to me!!

ANYWAYS...so like, last night I was like half asleep..I was there..but I wasn't really..I don't know how to explain, but..neways..all of a sudden my eyes just flew open and I was like "I needa put a gingerbread house on my page!!" Sooo..here it is!! do ya like it?! I do!! do you?! I do!! YaY!! heh.

oh!! oh!! here's another one!! YAY!!

omg!! one more!! can u believe this?! This lovely house, belongs to Mr and Mrs Gingerbread Man!! lmfao. YAY!!

back to my wonderfulisious home page!!

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