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~mOrE sToRiEz~  
I cant add anymore stories to page2.html cuz stupid geocities is messed heres the rest. YaY. mwah!!
Lamb Chops...everyone member him/her/IT..?! That cute lil innocent lamb? aww.. Have you noticed it went off the air..? Guess What!!!! It's cuz I ATE HER!!!! HA HA HA!! I have sum lamb chops for breakfast..lunch..AND dinner. When I first went to eat her..she was all "Please manda no!! please I love you want me to sing to you?" So I was like.."Sure hun, I wont kill you..Sing to me! :) " and she started to sing..and stuff...and she was so busy singing she didnt realize I was already gettin ready for my big meal :) "LALALA THIS IS THE SONG THAT NEVER ENDS..." *eViL gRiN* Suddenly LambChops looked up and saw this grin "NO AMANDA NO!! PLZ!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
OOOOO! PLZ!!" *ScReAm* *SiLeNcE* *eViL LaUgH* *CrUnCh CrUnCh CrUnCh*
The magazine 'Seventeen' sent me a package today..I bet you can't guess what was in this package.. hmm.. give up? okay.. TAMPONS!@@%#&^ lmao. hello? What was the point of this? I don't want tampons! I can go buy my own.. send me something thats worth it!! geez!! *rollz eyez* I opened it .. and it was all.. 'Oh oh!! yay! tamnpons!! woo hoo! Im gonna go put them in now!! even though Im not on my period! oOOoOOOo!!' but the bad thing about it.. I opened it outside..cuz I wanted to know what it is.. the dude across the street was probably lookin out his window or sumthin.. ahhH!&^@%^%^!@ lol.. bleah.
haha.. I was watching the disney movie 'Flash' and the little rich boy got.. hahahahaha.. got kicked by the horse.. but he deserved it for wippin the horse for no reason!! anyways.. haha.. then he hadda go to the hospital.. stooped little rich baby.. hahahahahahaha.. it so reminded me of a little casey garza..even though most of you probably dont know who that is..but still.. hahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahaha
then he was all crying and shtuff.. cuz hes gay.. hahaha.. DORK! hahahaha.. lmao@little casey garza.. or ryan may! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! rich wimpy ass kids!
My back itches.. its all red..because I've been itching it.. ow.. ow.. ow.. itchy.. yes yes.. uh huh.. the end..oh and I like pickles and sour cream.. and I wanna be a marine mammel trainer.. the end..
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