About The Book
My Other Life is now available on the following websites:




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My Other Life is 65 pages of thought-provoking yet user-friendly poetry. Even if you know nothing about poetry, you have nothing to fear from this book. Because My Other Life features such a wide range of styles and subjects, it is sure to appeal to just about anyone.
Reviews are encouraged at any of the above-mentioned websites. Constructive comments are also welcome through my e-mail.
On April 21st, 2005 I participated in my first book signing for My Other Life at the Main Street Coffee House in Independence. I sold over half the books I had in stock and found out that all my books had sold from the local Barnes & Noble. After the booksigning I participated in the monthly poetry reading. In addition to reading several selections from the book, I also read three brand new poems that were very well received. My friends and family were there, including my husband Chris. He doesn't really enjoy those types of things, but he made a very special exception for me. I know that was a bit painful for him : ) A lot of new people participated, including my dad (and step-mom) who came in from Dallas that afternoon to be at the signing. My mother-in-law Brenda, whose paintings are also featured on this site, read for the first time as well. I know she was a little anxious, but she did a great job. I, for one, really enjoyed the 'new talent' and I hope they will participate again. Everyone seemed to have a good time and the evening was, in my opinion, a great success!
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On Thursday, May 19th 2005 I attended a poetry reading & book signing by current U.S. Poet Laureate Ted Koozer. He signed my copy of Delights and Shadows and I in turn gave him a signed copy of My Other Life. The evening was very enjoyable and I look forward to reading more of his work.
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