Can of Worms
< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
Look out you've just opened a can of worms!
Hello and welcome to my web site, its about the world of the paranormal you know-UFO's, Ghosts And government coverups, stuff like that.
If you have any information on the paranormal or any pictures feel free to email me at [email protected].

Here is some of our pictures below.



We would love our site to grow, so if you   have  pictures or ture stories about the    paranormal,    emai me.

I will also pick a story or picture of the month and post it here.

These are two ufo's over Pasila.
Freaky Links:
My Best friend Web page:Mike's Webpage
Yahoo games
My Info:
Name: Corey L
Email: [email protected]
< ------------------------------------------PHOTOS AND STORIES------------------------------------------------>
This Month's
Picture of the Month.
1956-3 UFO's
AREA 51 some people say it's shutdown     but it's still very open!
Next Page of pictures-->
Well I think that UFO's are real The Moon Landing was a hoax and ghosts are real. Well Duh! Thats why I made this page. I have gathered the pictures from fellow UFO researchers.
and other paranormal investagators.
Don't For Get To Drop Me A Line :-)
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