�������������� Adam Frederick was born as Adam Frederick Wozniak, on November 12, 1981 in Albany, NY, where quickly learned to live and die with the Seattle grunge scene.� By the age of 11 , he had become heavily interested in bands like Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, and of course Nirvana. He had occasional messed around with an accoustic guitar that his grandfather gave to him. Cluelessly playing the guitar on his lap and left handed, he had managed to write short songs such as "Oh, My Shower", and "Apple Juice".
As his playing continued, with the help of his����
grandfather showing him the proper�way to play, he became strong in writing music and constructing lyrics. Eight to ten more songs of increased longevity had been written by the time Adam was 14, titles included "You're So Predictable", "Can", and "Smoking Weed".
Beginning to play with people from school, he unhesitantly joined a Nirvana cover band called Dysphoria, where Adam, on the drums,�learned to mimic Dave Grohl's�� every �move.� However, due to the graphic and morbid nature of the dictionary definition of "dyshporia", the band changed it's name to Toy Box. Eventually t he lead singer, George, moved to Florida, and Adam was on his own again.� Spending the next three years, Adam wrote song after song. Becoming envolved in new genres including punk, and reggae.� Immediatly falling in love with bands like, The Misfits, NOFX, The Germs, Sublime, Bob Marley & The Wailers and Peter Tosh. About that time, at the age of 17 ,�he joined an Albany based punk band that called themselves The Dead Ends, at which time he finally got to experience the high of being on-stage. The Dead Ends played several shows with Adam as the backup vocalist and guitarist with�other Albany bands such as The 27's,�� Ruth Ruth, Wrath, Diminished, and Lounge. But with this being Adam's first touring band, he took the work a little too seriously and was extracated from the group and on his own once again. Slowly but surely adding two or three songs at a time on his master list he went on to write more than 85 completed songs by the time he turned 20.� Frustrations increased�when Adam did not have any type of solid, high quality demo to give out, so he purchased a four track mini studio, and put out several tapes, each made up of 12 to 15 songs with each part performed by himself, using a drum program on his computer.� By the age of 22, he had three completed and mastered tapes, calling the first one "Friday Night", with the idea that he could perform select tracks on a Friday night sometime.� This taped included the fast-paced punk loop of "Every Breath" and the sound of�euphoric reggae�in "Buckets", and fright and confusion in "The Dream". But the more he heard the difference between radio sound and the sound of his tapes, the more discouraged he became. Becoming violently angry at some points, and dreadingly depressed at others.� He had said to his wife once, "If I could just get the money to buy studio time, or a studio itself." Just after his twenty-third birthday,�and a while of working and saving, Adam purchased a nine-hundred dollar, digital recording studio with a built in cd-rw drive. Using the process of elimination, certain songs had not made the cut for the first album, which was now entitled "If I Could", after voicing his ultamadum. Songs that were eliminated were "Piss & Moan" and "Every Breath".� Recording another album after that, he hoped he could finally book some shows in his now-hometown of Saratoga Springs, calling his second album "Outta These Headphones". But no takers.� Adam remained alone with his studio, handing out copies of his first two discs to his co-workers and his daughter Brittney's friends, one of them named Jessy.� Jessy's father and uncle were both also struggling musicians from Ballston Spa, New York, just south of Saratoga Springs, who were in desperate need of a bassist and a drummer.� With Adam just finishing up on his latest album "Motion Denied" due to his desire to play out but can't, he hooked up with Quik Whitney and Derrick Rockenstire to soon form a band called >Undivided. Unfortunately, at this time, Adam has no immediate plans to head into the studio....for now.
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