Copyright 2004 Triple B Productions                                              All Rights Reserved                                   Graphics and HTML edited by Babyboy 1985
Custom themes sometimes tend to take a longer time to make in order for them to be what the person wants. Yes custom themes can be done but in order to get them you must sign up and request it.
More Information
Expressions are images and/or links on the side of your buddy list, the back of the buddy list, the instant message window, the side of the instant message, and the icon. Once applied these images will show up only on ur side. Others will not be able to see them. They can be changed to w/e you want whenever you want. Some expressions can also contain custom sound for talking back and forth with your friends!!!
I first started out on another site making themes with a site genorated creator at Soon after the admin from contacted me and took a look at my expressions. From there i made an account on aimxpress and became an official expression creator.
37 Expressions and counting. This graphic things is kinda hard. But good money comes along with it!!
My Theme
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