My Story

Hello, my name is Shelly. This is the story of my angel baby Alex, whom we lost due to a miscarriage on March 14, 2006 at 6 weeks gestation. I didn't even suspect I was pregnant until I talked to a friend of mine about a week earlier. I was taking birth control pills to help control my periods, so I figured it was just a bit of breakthrough bleeding, since I had just started taking them in January. Once my friend told me that I could be pregnant, I immediately knew she was right. Once you're a mother, you just know these things, at least in my case. I immediately quit taking the pills, but I waited a full 10 days to take a home test. I was definately pregnant. I told my husband, who was absolutely thrilled at the suprise, but he did laugh. It was exactly 2 years since I found out I was pregnant with our first child, Joseph Earl. I called the doctor the next day to do a confirmation test. After the confirmation, I first called my husband, and then called the immediate family, who were a little less than thrilled. I guess I don't blame them; my son would be 17 months old in a few days, making my two children pretty close to 2 years apart. When I got home, I started working on the day's to-do list. At about 4:30 pm, my back really started to hurt and I was cramping really bad. I was spotting again, but this time I knew something was wrong. I called the doctor, and the on-call nurse told me to go to the emergency room. I didn't have anyone to drive me or take care of my son, so I called my mother-in-law, asking her if she would mind watching him while I went to the hospital. She ended up taking me and my father-in-law watched my son. After waiting in the waiting room for almost two hours, I was taken back to an exam room. The doctor came in and ordered blood work and an ultrasound. My husband joined me shortly after the doctor had left. The ultrasound technician came to get me. After she had started, she had told me I was indeed pregnant, but not far enough along to see a baby. She had tears in her eyes and I knew just then I had lost my baby. My husband tried to console me by telling me I was paranoid and absolutely nothing was wrong. Then the doctor came in and told me I had an incomplete miscarriage. He apologized for being the bearer of bad news, but there just was no heartbeat and there should have been one with the beta level that I had. He gave his condolences and left. I completely lost it right there in the exam room. My mom called me just then; I had my husband tell her and everyone else. I went to my in-laws and cried myself to sleep. 10 days later I had to have surgery because my body wasn't accepting the fact that I was not carrying a viable pregnancy anymore. It was then I decided to create this site, as I did not have anything tangible to remember my sweet angel.

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