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Cade Dawson Wright...my sweet, baby boy.  He was born on October 20, 1999 and instantly stole everyone's hearts.  He was a good baby and loved to cuddle.  He talked early; around 6 months and was very intelligent.  He had a big sister, Hannah who adored him.  During the 3-1/2 short years of his life, he and Hannah grew to love each other in a way that I am truly blessed to have witnessed.  They always thought of each other and hated to see the other one in trouble or sad.  They were amazing...yes they fought, but rarely. Hannah's dad and I are divorced, so she goes to Houston every other weekend to see him.  Cade hated that. He would cry every time she left.  He would call her "princess Hannah" or "princess stister".  We always tried to do something fun with him when she left...he was so excited to see her on Sundays.
Cade loved to sing and dance.  I have the cutest picture of him playing a guitar and signing into the mic butt-ass naked! He was quite the kid.  He was so sweet and loving. I called him "honey-man" because I said he was sweeter than honey.  BUT...he did have a bad temper..when he got mad..HE GOT MAD (just like his daddy). He loved the Power Rangers and his favorite color was orange.  He slept with us in our  bed every night...he might have started in his bed, but he always ended up in ours.  He slept with us even as a baby.  It was easier since I was nursing.  I'm so glad that we let him...I think that's why I can feel him in my bed at times...my signs.
Now, the hard part....June 20, 2003. *TEARS*  My sister and I brought Hannah to her paternal grandmother's house..she was going to the beach with them for a week.  Cade went to drop her off and of course, he cried.  He hugged her and wouldn't let go.  Getting into the car to leave...I remember him crying "stister..." and she said "I'll see you soon, Cade".
We left and I met up with Brian down the street because we were going to check on the houses we were building.  Cade was still crying for Hannah.  Brian said, "Hey let's go get a snow cone"..Cade smiled that big, beautiful smile and he stopped crying.  We went at least twice a week if not more...Grandma took Cade and Hannah all the time too.  We had been there a hundred other times, but how I wish we would have just gone to check on the damn houses and not get the snow cone that day. I stayed in the truck (like I always did) because Cade would come back and we would play the guessing game.  I would have to guess what kind he got. I would guess all different kinds, but it was always orange! He would laugh and say "No, mommy it's ORANGE" and I would always act surprised.  While I waited in the truck Brian's planner fell down and papers went everywhere..so I bent over to collect them and put them back in his planner.  Evidently, at the same exact time, Brian signaled that Cade was coming to the car..he told him to go stand next to the car, which Cade did.  I never saw Brian wave at me.  Brian had just paid and was following behind Cade and was trying to put money back in his wallet.  I never saw Cade until it was too late.
The snow cone stand is at the end of the shopping strip and there was no designated parking area, not painted, no parking stops..nothing.  The car next to us was pulled farther ahead than our vehicle. She was arguing with her 2 year old son in the backseat and didn't look back when she started to back out. Because of the differences in car positions, she turned too sharply and hit Cade, killing him instantly (we think, hope and pray). I heard a noise, the driver looked at me and did nothing so I got out of the car to see what she hit..I knew she hit something. When I got out, Cade was laying there next to the truck dead!Because his injuries were so severe we had a closed casket service..they said we could see Cade, but we chose not to.  We were afraid to deal with another horrible image.  We were in no state to make that decision and now I regret that I never saw Cade again.  Cade was buried in July 3rd. Our church was packed to capacity.  The police and fire department lined the streets from the church to the cemetery (a little over a mile) and had all their cars and trucks with the lights on.  Cade would have loved that. I don't really remember it, but my family and friends told me.  We had orange flowers everywhere,
he would have loved that too.
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