I am just a few mintues old in this picture.
I am about 2 hours old in the nursery at the hospital.
Hanging out in the nursery w/ my pink mittens on.
I am all ready to go home now. "Ain't I just adorable."
Mommy & Daddy took me to see my big brother. He helped me make it into this world safe & sound.
Mommy & I catching a cat nap.
Here I am sleeping away.
Another of me just a few mintues old w/ both eyes open.
"See what I have in my hand. I know my daddy has it bad. He wants me to be the 1st woman Nascar champion."
Laughing at my daddy because he is so silly.
Please do not duplicate anything off these pages. These pictures & items are very special to us.
Kaylee arrived into this world on August 5th, 2001 @ 1:29pm. She weighed in at 6lbs 13oz & was 19.25 inches long. Not to bad for 3 weeks early.
Click the arrow button  to see Kaylee @ 1 month old.
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