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            "OUR BABY...GOD'S ANGEL"
We're gonna have a baby!                                     My heart sank as I heard the news
Talia, do you hear?                                                And I said to God on high,
And, Nisa, I will need your help                            You've taken our new baby home?
To hold our baby dear.                                           And without reason why?

Oh, Mama, I am so happy!                                    Your dad was gone to Mexico,
My heart is all a glow.                                           For a visit with his Mom,
We're going to have a baby!                                  And to think we'd never have one day
I've always dreamed it so.                                    Just to visit with you, son.

The days passed quite happily                              Your birth was yet to follow,
With plenty of time to think,                                   Or a dream...it felt sooo odd.
What outfits would we buy our child,                    If a dream, it'd soon be over,
If a son...well, never pink!                                    And if not, oh...help me God!

My girls, they gathered round me                          I'm not sure I've awakened;
At times and I would seek,                                    Part of me feels...just not here.
To answer all their questions,                               Is a part of me in Heaven
About babies, toys and binks.                               With you, my precious dear?

I'd go to the doctor                                                  Yes, Mommy, yes...it's up here!
At scheduled times, preset,                                   Your heart is here with me!
But never did I go alone                                         Can you see me smile from Heaven
For in my womb you slept.                                     As I sit upon His knee?

But one night I had a dream                                  And Mom, I've something special,
That I was losing you,                                            For you...a BIG surprise;
Oh, the feeling that came over me,                       But  unlike a secret present,
...how I hoped it wasn't true!                                 You don't have to close your eyes!

Time passed, we went together,                           Know those times at birthday partys
To the doctor yet once more.                                 When you think that I don't know...
He measured, probed, and examined...                 That you're thinking I won't have one?
But your heart he fumbled for.                                Well, it clearly isn't so!!

Let's schedule you an ultrasound                             For up here we have big parties,
For the 13th day of June.                                          All the angels...you should see!!!
It's best we take a look around                                 And the children rosie 'round Him...
And I'd like to do it soon.                                           If I fall, He catches me!

The ultrasound went quietly--                                    In a while we'll be together...
And denied at my request,                                        Don't you cry, Mom...I'll be here,
Was a chance to peek at you                                    Bring my Daddy and my sisters
...oh, their silence left me deaf.                                And we'll all be forever near.

Dr. Beaudrot held the news for me,                           I love you Mommy, Daddy,
To his office I was sent,                                            And I love you, Nisa, too.
When he walked in, sat down...yes, I knew,            And somene tell Talia,
How the ultrasound had went.                                 "I'm God's Angel"
                                                                                         Yes...it's true!!
"Your baby, he stopped growing
At ten and a half weeks,                                                             ~Judy Dees~
We've no answer why this happened;                                       ~June 2001~
There's no answer though you seek."
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