The Jellicle Ball was coming! Kumori watched curiously as cats began to pair off, always boy to girl. All around her, gossip was spreading about who would ascend to the Heavyside Layer.

“Hey Kumori.” a shy voice said behind her. It was Plato.

“Hi.” Kumori replied, equally shy.

“Um... w-would you uh...” was all he could get out. Blushing profusely, they both looked at their paws. They liked each other, but didn’t know if the other would return their feelings. Kumori had liked Plato since she first saw him. It would be a while before they both would be old enough to mate, but they hoped it would be with each other. Just then, they heard Etcetera screaming. Plato and Kumori laughed as they saw why. The Rum Tum Tugger was showing off again.

“Would you uh,” Plato gulped loudly. “be my girlkit?” The last part came out so fast it sounded like one word.

Kumori was so overcome with emotions that at first she couldn’t do or say anything. When Plato’s whiskers started to droop, Kumori immediately embraced him in a huge hug.

“Oh of course! I’ve always wanted to be your girlkit, but I never had the nerve to ask!” Kumori laughed. Behind them, they heard a giggle, accompanied by a loud ‘Shhhh.’ Looking around, Kumori was dismayed not to find the source.

“It’s just Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer.” Plato said softly. “They’re as nosy as a Pollicle.”

Kumori and Plato walked off, laughing at his joke. At the Junkyard gates, Bustopher Jones and Jennyanydots were making a stately arrival, tails entwined together. Bustopher would have cut a very dashing figure, except that he was too fat to walk properly. It was only the respect for his accomplishments that kept the entire Jellicle tribe form laughing at the courtly waddle. Jennyanydots, who had heard about Kumori being found near death, ran up to her and gave Kumori a warm, motherly hug. Kumori’s face was the picture of confusion and embarrassment, mixed with the inability to breathe. Just as her face was starting to turn purple, Jennyanydots released her form the constrictor like hug.

Taking huge gulps of air, Kumori thanked her for her concern, adding that she was just fine. Curious to see what had distracted his mate, Bustopher Jones waddled over. All eyes were now on the trio, and Kumori was glad that she was all black, so that no one could see her blushing. Timidly, Kumori lowered her eyes. After what seemed like an eternity (even though it had only been a few seconds), she ventured to look up to see Bustopher’s face wreathed in a cheerful smile.

“H-hello s-sir.” Kumori stammered quietly. Bustopher Jones frowned.

“Bah! I wish all of the Jellicles called me sir, instead of singing that ridiculous song!” he said jokingly. All the cats in the Junkyard couldn’t resist the urge any longer. They all burst out singing the Bustopher Jones song. Laughing, Jennyanydots and Bustopher continued on their way. Kumori heaved a heavy sigh of relief. Now that that was over, she and Plato went to go play with the other kittens. They were playing a game of Hunt the Mice, where all but one kit is a mouse, and the remaining kit has to catch them. The first ‘mouse’ caught became the hunter next round. After about an hour, Kumori could hear Exotica’s voice calling her for dinner. Soon after, the other kittens could hear their moms too. It’s a bit early for dinner; it’s barely three o’ clock! Kumori thought to herself. When she looked quizzically over to Plato, he laughed.

“The Jellicle Feast is starting! We’d better hurry, or we won’t get good seats!” Plato explained. All of the kittens ran over to the feasting area, but were stopped short by their mothers.

“I hope you all washed those muddy paws of yours.” Jellylorum said reprovingly. There was a loud groan from the kittens as they angrily sauntered over to a bathtub that had filled with water from recent rain.

They finally sat down to a feast of gargantuan proportions. From the bird family alone, there were geese, chicken, robin, sparrow, crow, and pigeon. There was tuna, trout, salmon, bass, and even a swordfish! Piles upon piles of mice rats, and the yummiest kinds of bugs were everywhere. Kumori had never seen so much food in her life, and even Bustopher Jones would be full! As tempting as it all was, Kumori knew she couldn’t dive in, like she wanted. All the Jellicles were waiting for the arrival of Old Deuteronomy to bless the feast. Fortunately, they hadn’t long to wait. Old Deuteronomy soon came into view, Munkustrap lending a paw when needed. Through old in age, his eyes sparkled with youthful cheer. But around the eyes, Kumori could see the deep lines of years of wisdom. He was the kind of cat that you liked before you were even introduced.

After blessing the feast, all the cats tucked in with good will. Since this was Kumori’s first Jellicle Feast, Plato helped her to decide what to eat. Everything was absolutely delicious, and tasted like it was just caught. Unfortunately for Kumori, there were too many foods she hadn’t tried before. She felt bloated and sleepy. Not wanting to embarrass herself by falling asleep when everyone else was playing, Kumori valiantly staved off the weariness. But it was all in vain, because everyone was going to their dens to nap. Looking to Exotica, she silently asked permission to nap with Plato. Exotica smiled, and waved her off. Plato asked his mom, Ares, the same thing, with similar results.

They found a metal trash can, with the lid covering most of the entrance. Curling up together, Kumori put her head under Plato’s chin, and he put his paw on her shoulder. Both of them slept soundly. However, Kumori was having the dream again. She was reliving her first few minutes of sight.

Father, who was white with one black ear, was facing Macavity. Mother’s golden eyes were wide with fright. She was solid black. Kumori opened her eyes, and was excited to see what the world around her was like. Peeking around her mother’s back, Kumori saw her father fall, his dark grey eyes milking over with death. One of Kumori’s siblings had wandered from the safety of the corner where their mother shielded them from sight. Macavity quickly snatched up the helpless kitten, who’s eyes still hadn’t opened. He let loose his maniacal laughter, chilling Kumori to the bone. Her mother launched herself at Macavity, determined to save her kit.

She knocked him down, but misjudged her landing. Slamming into the wall opposite Kumori, Macavity quickly grabbed the semi-conscious queen by the throat. The tip of her tail barely grazed the floor. Macavity continued to strangle her until she was dead. Laughing, Macavity advanced on the kittens, killing them one by one. Kumori, who was still in the corner, watched from between her fingers. After Macavity killed all of her siblings, he started to look for her. Kumori closed her eyes in fright, and she looked like a black ball. She was practically invisible in the dark chamber.

After a while, Kumori ventured to see if Macavity had left yet. He hadn’t, and Kumori’s golden eyes caught his sight. She decided to fight, and even though she was only two weeks old, she knew she couldn’t win. Standing up and hissing, Kumori puffed herself up as big as she could. Macavity merely picked her up by the scruff, where she couldn’t bite or scratch him. That didn’t stop her from trying, though. Her baby claws desperately tried to get at Macavity’s face. Just as Macavity raised he paw to kill her with his dagger-like claws, Rumpelteazer burst in and whispered something in his ear. Macavity hissed, and threw Kumori at Rumpelteazer.

“Get rid of it. I’ll take care of this myself!” Macavity yelled, slamming the door as he left.

Seeing the carnage around her, Rumpelteazer felt sympathetic for the shivering ball of fur in her paws. Sometimes she wondered why she and Mungojerrie worked for Macavity. She left the tunnels, frantically wondering what to do. She ran right into her brother.

“Oh Mungo! I’m so glad I found you! I just can’t kill her. She’s so small...”

“If we don’t, Macavity will kill us.” Mungojerrie said seriously, grabbing his sister by the shoulders.

“I know, but she’s so small and helpless. She’s less than two weeks old for Bast’s sake!” Rumpelteazer said firmly. Mungo looked uncertain. He paced the length of the alley.

“Mungo, we don’t have much time...” Rumpelteazer pleaded.

“You don’t think I know that?” he snapped. Sighing, he apologized. “Look, I’m sorry, but so much is at risk.”

“Then why do we work for him? Because we love the thrill of risk-taking.”

“Yeah, when there aren’t three lives on the line.”

“So you’ll help me?” Rumpelteazer said hopefully.

“I guess so. We’ll drop her off in Exotica’s territory. She just lost one of her kittens, and they’re about the same age. But we’ll have to sprint there and back.”

It took a day before Exotica found Kumori, which was a long time to go without food and shelter for a two week old kit.

“Oh, you poor little koneko (which would forever be Exotica’s nickname for Kumori).” She immediately took her home and fed her.

“Kumori... KUMORI! Wake up now!” Plato said urgently. Her eyes snapped open.

“What is it Plato?”

“Macavity’s been spotted.”

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