Kumori lay on top of an old tractor tire, half asleep in the hot noon sun. Plato lay curled up next to her. Both of them were healing rapidly. The queens had said it was because of their youth. Figuring that Plato had more of a right to know even than Munkustrap, Kumori told him her reasons for going after Macavity. They had become a very close couple after that, and neither one of them was ever seen without the other by their side.

Kumori accepted the fact that wherever she and Plato went, either Munkustrap, Alonzo, or Skimbleshanks followed. It unnerved Plato however, because Kumori never explained why the three were following them. When he asked, Kumori shrugged and said that she tried to ignore them. Munkustrap and her had struck a deal; she kept Demeter’s past and anything else she learned about Macavity a secret, and Munkustrap wouldn’t tell a soul about her past.

Her entire body going limp, Kumori started purring loudly as Plato rubbed fish oil onto her back. It worked miracles on her tight, and still sore, muscles. It also helped her fur grow back where it had been ripped out. Kumori heaved a sigh of satisfaction. Today had been perfect so far. Exotica had made it past the critical point, and was recovering nicely. She still wasn’t able to move much, so Kumori and Plato went hunting and brought her food when she needed it. Kumori’s fear of Macavity was starting to fade, and she hoped she would never hear his name again.

Mungojerrie woke up first. He reached to feel the back of his head, only to find a huge lump and some dry blood.

“It’s about time you woke up.” Macavity said. The sound of his voice chilled Mungo to the bone. “So you think you can outsmart me, the Napoleon of Crime?” Macavity laughed, taking enjoyment in the way Mungojerrie shuddered. His face turned serious as he kicked Mungo across the room. The calico slammed into the wall, separated from his sister. Slowly, he rose to his feet, only to be pinned against the wall by the throat.

“Do you know why I put up with you and your sister? You’re the only ones who the Jellicles tolerate. I keep you annoying brats alive for the sole purpose of spying on the Jellicles, then luring them to me.” Macavity bellowed. It was deafening. Rumpelteazer stirred on the other side of the room, groaning loudly. Macavity looked over at her and smiled wickedly. “Or,” he began quietly, “if you’re so desperate to save that young queen, I could just take your sister instead.” He walked over to where Rumpelteazer was sitting, to frightened to say anything. As Macavity approached, she stood up and backed away. Macavity caught her when she hit the wall, and pulled her against his chest. Putting one paw behind her jaw, he forced it open, simultaneously preventing her head from turning away. His other paw dug into her lower back, further preventing any means of escape. With that maneuver quickly done, Macavity closed his lips over Rumpelteazer's. Her eyes were wide with fright, pleading for Mungojerrie to make it stop. Mungo could see blood coming from where Macavity’s claws were piercing his sister’s skin. Macavity was starting to lower Rumpelteazer and himself down to the floor.

“No! Stop it!” Mungojerrie shouted, then he continued in a defeated tone. “We’ll tell you everything you want to know.” Macavity shoved Rumpelteazer into the wall, and she sank to the floor, crying.

“Excellent. You can start with her name and her connection with me.” Macavity said, walking over to sit in his chair.

“It was when Kumori, that’s her name, was about two weeks old. You had her, her parents, and her siblings captive. You killed them all and was to kill Kumori when I came in to tell you about the revolt. All you said to me was to get rid of her. And so me and Mungo did— right in Exotica’s territory.” Rumpelteazer said meekly. Macavity said and did nothing. After a while, the eerie silence was broken.

“Age, weaknesses, relationships.” was all Macavity said. This time, it was Mungojerrie who answered.

“She’s fifteen, loves fish oil massages, and she can’t not purr when rubbed under the chin. Her boykit is Plato.” Mungo said, being careful to enunciate around the double negative.

“How’s their relationship?”

“Deep: they go everywhere together.” Rumpelteazer answered

“Are they guarded?”

“Yes, constantly by Alonzo, Munkustrap, and Skimbleshanks.” Mungojerrie said, his confidence starting to return. Macavity said nothing for a while. Then he slowly got up out of his chair. Walking silently to the door, he suddenly stopped beside Rumpelteazer. Looking at her, Macavity saw her gulp. He smirked, and lashed out. Grabbing her by the neck, Macavity began to choke her.

“The next time I say to get rid of someone, I mean kill them, Mungojerrie. You know that. It was you who planned how to save... what’s her name... Kumori. Twice now you have defied me. Now you will pay- with your sister’s life!”

Rumpelteazer looked pleadingly at Mungojerrie, begging him to save her. In a fight, Mungojerrie knew he’d be torn to shreds in a matter of seconds. He couldn’t think of anything to do, and time was running out.

“But... if we hadn’t defied you the first time, you wouldn’t have that lovely queen to go after. And we got your warning, so instead of planning to save Kumori, we planned how to save our lives.”

Macavity released Rumpelteazer, and she fell to the floor, gasping for air. He stepped out into the hall.

“Doppleganger!” Macavity roared. Coming back into the room, he leaned against the wall, smirking. Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer looked at each other worriedly. This couldn’t be good.

“Who’s Doppelganger?” they asked simultaneously.

“Oh, he’s just the captain of a new kind of henchman I created.”

A few moments later, Doppelganger came in. He was a living nightmare. Macavity, who was already tall, was dwarfed by the size of this thing. He had long arms, legs, and tail. His canines were so large that they stuck out of its mouth farther than Macavity’s, and a very lean frame that looked anorexic. Mungojerrie wasn’t dumb enough to believe that this new mutant cat was as weak and frail as he appeared. Protectively, he moved in front of Rumpelteazer.

“Magnificent, isn’t he? He lives only to obey me. There are thirty others, ready to destroy those Jellicle pests.” Macavity said maliciously.

“But there are over 150 Jellicles.” Mungojerrie snapped.

“You’ll see what I mean, as Doppelganger her beats you within an inch of your life.”

Macavity left the room, laughing. Doppelganger slowly advanced on Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer. Mungo grabber her wrist and ran out of the room. Turning left in the hallway, Mungojerrie prayed they were going the right way to the exit. Rumpelteazer looked behind them to see Doppelganger running after them. He was quickly catching up.

“Run faster, Jerrie!” she screamed. They followed a hallway until they came to a four way intersection. Rumpelteazer smelled food in the hallway to their right, and immediately pulled Mungojerrie that way.

“This is no time to eat!” Mungo yelled.

“I have a plan!” Teazer yelled back.

Bursting through the double doors, they found themselves in a cafeteria full of Macavity’s followers. They shoved cats off of the closest table to them, and rammed the table to the door. Taking someone’s sword, they jammed it through the door handles, making it so that the doors couldn’t open. From the outside, Doppelganger began ramming the door. The force started to bend the sword. Seeing this, Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer crossed the cafeteria and lept over the counter where food had been set out. Landing in the kitchen, they looked for some way to escape. Grabbing the nearest cook, Mungojerrie tried to find the exit.

“Where’s an exit to the outside?” Mungo yelled.

“Why should I tell you?” the cook hissed.

“Because I’ll kill you if you don’t!” Hastily, the chef pointed to a door on the right.

“Go though there and you’ll end up in a warehouse. There’s a door on the other side that’ll get you outside.” Just then, Rumpelteazer screamed. Doppelganger had broken the sword and was throwing the table out of the way. Once again Mungo grabbed his sister’s arm, pulling her through the door. The warehouse was a cold-storage one, full of frozen food. Mungo hoped that the cold would help slow down Doppelganger.

“Look, over there!” Teazer screeched. It was the exit, with Macavity blocking the way. Mungojerrie looked behind them. Doppelganger was quite a distance away, but was still coming up fast. Apparently the cold did slow him down. Nonetheless, Mungojerrie knew they both couldn’t get away. There was an empty truck and trailer right outside.

“Go for the trailer, Teazer. I’ll be right behind you.” he said quietly. His breath was ragged from running. Mungo pounced on Macavity, knocking him to the floor. Rumpelteazer ran ahead, and leapt into the open door of the trailer. Turning, she saw Macavity gouge Mungo’s chest.

“Come on Mungo!” She yelled.

Kicking Macavity off of him, Mungojerrie made a run for the trailer. Scrambling up the bumper, he grabbed Rumpelteazer's paw for assistance. Doppelganger had finally caught up, and dug his claws viciously into Mungo’s back.

“Bye Teazer.” he said in a pained voice. Using his last ounce of strength, he pulled himself up high enough to trip the lock that held the back of the trailer door open. Before being dragged off of the bumper

“MUNGOJERRIE!!!!” Rumpelteazer screamed as the door slammed shut in her face. The last thing she saw of her brother was Doppelganger strangling him. She immediately tried to get out, but couldn’t lift the heavy door. Than the men who owned the truck and trailer drove off, taking Rumpelteazer with them. Now that he didn’t have his sister to worry about, Mungojerrie turned his attention back to the fight. Doppelganger clawed him hard across the face, and then across Mungo’s already bloody chest. Mungo managed to get a few bites and scratches in, but was soon kicked into a wall. He felt most of his ribs crack from the force of the impact. Still, Mungojerrie tried to stand. Panting from loss of blood, his vision blurred. After a few more seconds, Mungojerrie collapsed, unconscious.

“Throw him in a prison cell.” Macavity said. Doppelganger nodded, and grabbed on of Mungojerrie’s arms. He began dragging Mungojerrie back the way they had come.

In the cafeteria, Macavity’s followers watched in horrified silence. Less than five minutes ago, two cats barricaded the heavy double doors of the cafeteria. The Doppelganger had quickly broken in, and pursued the two cats. Now, he returned, dragging the bloody form of one of the cats behind him. Every cat in the cafeteria thanked Bast that it wasn’t them the Doppelganger had been after. The deep gashed that lined the young tom’s body were over an inch deep. Each cat also prayed that it wouldn’t ever have to be them being hunted by Doppelganger.

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