This seems to be becoming something I do with all my longer stories: deleted scenes. They're mostly parts that got cut out because they didn't fit, snippets to tie up loose ends, or funny little things I just couldn't resist writing. Enjoy!

[an alternate ending to the Misto in the Heavyside layer sequence]

�Hey, wait a minute!� Mistoffelees cried before he was completely sucked out of the heavenly whiteness.

�What is it?� Ebony queried, bringing him out of his trance.

�Where are the wonders?�

�What wonders?�

�You know!� Misto threw up his arms. �It supposed to be 'Full of wonders one Jellicle only will see'! I don't see any wonders!� He put his paws on his hips defiantly. �Well, where are they?�

Ebony smiled. �Sorry. You have to die first. No wonders until you actually get chosen at the Ball or die.�

Mistoffelees pouted. �No wonders?�

�No, not yet.�

[I did kind of leave the whole Alonzo/Jemima side-plot hanging, didn't I?]

Alonzo smiled evily as he crept through the suburban neighborhood. All the humans were asleep, and every home was dark, but he could see perfectly. He was making his way toward the cute little cottage where Jemima lived. He was going to make it up to her. Now that he finally got the darn bracelet from Mungojerrie (which had taken extensive bribing and wrenching from Rumpleteazer's thieving little paws), and armed with the knowledge Victoria had given him, he was going to have a very warm and cozy evening...

When he finally arrived at the cottage, he hopped up to a low windowsill and peered inside. There was Jemima, sleeping soundly. He almost hated to wake her. Common sense prevailed, however.

�Jemima?� he whispered as he tapped the glass softly. Her eyelids fluttered. �Jem? It's me, Alonzo!�

At the mention of his name, Jemima's eyes flew open and she immediately ran over to the window. �Alonzo! What are you doing here?� she inquired excitedly.

In his suavest voice, Alonzo replied, �I wanted to see you, kitten.� Jemima visibly swooned at this remark, though she tried not to show it. Alonzo smiled, and whispered, �I have something for you. Do you think you could open this window?�

Faced with this new challenge, Jemima tried to lift the glass with her little paws, but it was no use: the window would not budge. �Sorry. I can't...� she muttered. But then her face lit up with a new idea. �You can come in through the kitty door, though! Come on, it's around back!� she called, and raced away from the window, apparently to await his entrance.

When Alonzo finally found the kitty door, he squeezed through, to find Jemima sitting seemingly patiently a foot away. However, her eagerness was quite apparent. �Well?� she asked, trying to sound calm. �What did you bring me?�

Alonzo smiled suavely again and brought out the bracelet. Her eyes grew to the size of quarters, and she squealed as he slipped it around her neck. �There,� he said. �Beautiful.�

Jemima could contain her excitement no longer. �Oh, Alonzo!� she cried as she threw her arms around his neck. �Yes, yes, YES!�

Yes? Alonzo abruptly frowned, and muttered, �Yes?�

Squealing, Jemima practically yelled, �Yes! Yes, of course I'll be your mate, Alonzo! Thank you!!�

�Wait! That's not quite what I meant -� Alonzo tried to stammer, but any further comment he tried to make was smothered by Jemima's undying love, embodied in rib-squishing squeezes.

[This one is a genuine deleted scene: a snippet that I had to cut out because it didn't quite fit. It would have gone in early-ish in the story, in the part where Victoria is swooning over Mistoffelees just before they go out on the roof. It's not quite complete, because it was deleted before I finshed was going to be foreshadowing to Misto's eventual turn toward the dark side, but it never quite went in that direction...]

In Victoria's dream, she was in the junkyard, playing tag with some of the other younger cats. �Tag, you're it, Tumble!� Etcetera cried as she leapt off an ironing board to pounce on Tumblebrutus.

�No way!� he called back, and took off after her as they raced around a rubbish mound.

Watching them spin around and around, Jemima accidentally let her guard down, so it was easy for Tumblebrutus to sneak up behind her. Poking her on the shoulder, he whispered, �Tag, you're it,� and watched her as she leapt ten feet in the air, she was so surprised. Victoria giggled; her best friend was prone to being snuck up on.

�What's so funny?� Jemima queried.

�You!� Victoria said. �You should have seen the look on your face when he poked you!�

�Oh, yeah?� Jemima threatened, and in a heartbeat she was racing after Victoria. They dashed around the junkyard, dodging boxes and hopping over garbage until they were both out of breath and miles away from everyone else. When they could run no more, the two queens collapsed on the ground together, giggling over how silly they were.

�Wow, that nuts,� Victoria said. �So where did everybody go?�

�I think we ditched them,� Jemima responded still giggling. �But hey, look, there's Misto and 'Lonzo! Let's go talk to them!�

�Okay!� Victoria said, and they made their way over to the two black-and-whites.

[in the Heavyside Layer when Misto finally realizes how awful he was to Munkustrap and Alonzo]

�Did I do that?� he asked softly. Ebony nodded. He moaned, �Oh, Everlasting Cat, I ��

Ebony quickly covered his mouth with her paw, her wide eyes revealing her alarm. �Shh! Don't say that! He might hear you!�

[I couldn't resist...and don't say I didn't warn you!]

Ebony sighed as she watched her little Quaxo with his new mate from above. They looked so happy together. Contrary to what Munkustrap believed, she was fine with his new name. It had been her second choice, after all.

Sighing again, she made her way over to her older brother, Ivoriam (or Ivory, for short). Ivory was an all white cat, who had been chosen to ascend to the Heavyside Layer some years ago. Looking over his shoulder, she found that he, too, was watching Victoria and Quaxo. She smiled crookedly at him, and muttered, �They're so cute together, aren't they?�

�Yeah,� Ivory replied. �Black and white. It's perfect. It's like they were born for each other.�

�I think they were.�

�Maybe,� he said, smirking. �After all, they are cousins.�

Ebony smirked, too. �Do you think I should have told him that his girlfriend was my brother's daughter?� she asked.

�Nah. They'll never know. Besides, they're cats! They don't care.�

�You really think they'll never find out?�

�No. Victoria never knew me. When my mate had her first litter, all her kittens were given up for adoption.� He sighed. �No, she'll never know. But it's better this way. If they knew, they might think it's weird...�

�Yeah. Kittens these days have silly ideas about who they can mate with. They shouldn't know. Besides, they're in love.�

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