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Word for the Season
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GOD'S BATTLE AXE REVEALED (January / February 2002)

"Oh that men would praise the Lord for His goodness and for his wonderful works to the children of men! For he has broken the gates of brass and cut the bars of iron in sunder." (Psalm 107:15, 16, KJV)

My prayer for you is that this year, you will experience the mighty hand of God upon your life to bless and uphold. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. As you constantly apply God’s Word, you will experience the sustained activation of the promises of God in your life. I see the Lord prospering you on every side, in Jesus name. The Word of God will launch you into realms of increase that you’ve never experienced before. I sincerely invite you to join thousands of Christians all over the world who are experiencing revolution in their lives as a result of the revelation they receive daily through MY DAILY FOCUS.

If you are blessed through this divinely inspired Bible reading material, please I want to share the joy of your testimony. Send in your testimony or your suggestion through [email protected].

We’ll need your support to continue to use this ministry to disciple the nations. Please support our Chinese edition of MY DAILY FOCUS (coming soon). Make all checks payable to "BAC PRINTERS, SINGAPORE".  Thank you.

Enjoy your time with Lord in January / February 2002.


Your partner in missions,




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