
Chapter Fifteen: Deviousness in Lieu of Surrender

Overriding the authority of the Lady of the Golden Wood was not exactly the best plan ever, but I was severely peeved off and I didn�t quite care at that moment. So, instead of giving up and wandering around looking for this Rhosgobel, Mallor and I went in search of the information that we needed. This meant that first we must find Haldir.

Luckily for us, he hadn�t left Caras Galadhon to go back out on border patrol. He wasn�t that difficult to find. Mallor and I just kept saying his name and eventually we were led to a circle of mallorn trees where he and his brothers were doing a bit of sword practice. Now when you picture sword practice you think of two guys all sweaty and smelly attacking each other with weapons. At least, that was what I used to think of it as, but then I saw elves doing sword practice. That definitely changed my perspective.

It was (and this may sound terribly clich�) more like a dance; precise and graceful the whole way through. The best way I could describe it was two people doing this funny little waltz with swords and performing fencing movies. I know how ridiculous that sounds, but trust me on this one; that�s really what it did look like. They obviously weren�t acting as though they had to defeat each other, just that they were playing this game where you just had to move the sword around and delicately block the other�s weapon.

It was really neat to watch, but Mallor and I didn�t have all day to watch this. I waved my hand in the air so they would take notice of us. The three brothers ceased their activity and came to greet us.

�Greetings once more! I trust that your audience with the Lady went well?� asked Haldir.

I shook my head. �Not as well as we had been hoping. We came all the way down here because we need to ask you a favor,� I said.

�If I may be of assistance then by all means ask!� he said.

I smiled. We were finally going to get somewhere. �We need you to take us to the Lord Celeborn, in as much secrecy as possible,� I told him.

Haldir just stared at us blankly for a moment then his eyes flared with some unidentifiable emotion. �I know not your purpose, but we need not mischief makers within these borders,� he said in a warning tone.

�We mean no trouble. We sought counsel with your lady and we received none of the answers we need, only riddles. We seek the advice of one who might be able to answer them,� assured Mallor.

�If you do this one thing for us we will both be in your debt. Please?� I pleaded.

�I will do this thing and a favor you shall owe me. If things go ill I shall tan your mortal hides. Follow me,� He said, handing his sword to R�mil.

We followed him away from the circle of trees where the brothers had been practicing and headed back to the area where we had previously held our audience with Galadriel. I eventually lost track of exactly where he had taken us, but we ended up in this back hallway somewhere outside this door. He ordered us to wait outside while he went in and provided some sort of an informal announcement.

Eventually Haldir came back out and nodded. �You may see him now. I shall wait out here.�

Mallor and I entered the room. As it so happened, the room was a relatively good sized library with shelves and tables piled with books. In a chair in the corner sat who I assumed to be Celeborn. He had a book in hand and was watching us with interest.

�I have been told you come here seeking my wisdom. Apparently my lady wife�s riddles were not enough to satisfy you,� he said.

Mallor spoke up. �I am Mallor and this is my friend and traveling companion, Manda. We have come here in search of answers pertaining to her mysterious appearance in Minas Morgul several days past.�

�Yes, I have heard much of you these past few days. You have been a thorn in my lady�s side; she cannot figure how you came to be here,� he told us.

�So she said. She cannot tell us how I came to be in this world yet she can make mention of a place called Rhosgobel. She would speak no more of it and we came here seeking your counsel,� I explained.

He nodded and then looked at Mallor and me for a bit. He suddenly got up and tossing his book at me. �Do you like books?� he asked.

�Well enough,� I replied, not sure where this was leading.

�And you?� he asked Mallor.

�I am a soldier, my lord. I have not the time for books though I shall say I am fond of a good tale,� said he.

�Very good. Then take this,� he said, tossing Mallor a book. �It is written so you can read it. Rhosgobel is a small place on the western border of Mirkwood. Exactly where it is can be detailed in that book, as well as what you may find there.�

Finally we were getting somewhere. I let out a long sigh and looked at Mallor, relieved. I could see he felt the same way that I did.

�Thank you, my lord. I do not think we can ever repay you for your help,� I said.

�You might be able to do one thing for me.�

�Name it and we shall see it done,� said Mallor.

�When you find the answers you seek, return here some time and tell me the whole tale of your travels. Do we have an accord?� he asked.

�I believe we do!� I exclaimed happily. I was now in a very good mood. I really wanted to hug the guy. And I still had this urge to touch an elf�s ears, but I didn�t think that would be a very good idea, so I just stopped thinking about it.

�Wonderful! Now you two had best be on your way. You do not want to be a witness to my wife�s wrath. She�ll be furious that I have given you this aid,� he said. �Until we meet again, friends.�

With that I waved goodbye and pushed Mallor out the door. Haldir was still waiting for us outside. He escorted us back downstairs and to our horses where all our things were. The elves had been kind enough to give us some more food and to clean our clothing, as well as care for our horses. We were set to go.

We were on our way to Rhosgobel.

And now we had a handy little book.

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