
Chapter Thirty One: Greater Happenings Now Begin

Enchanting and ethereal were the first two words that came into my mind when I found myself face to face with Nienna. She had an internal beauty and grace like nothing Man had ever seen and that made the Elves look dim in comparison. Her eyes turned slowly from me to Mallor, who was still standing but paces behind me, and I turned to look at him. The tension in his expression was gone, and he now bowed his head before Nienna. She smiled at me once more before turning away from us both.

�Follow me,� she beckoned softly.

I stood there in a moment of uncertainty. I had wanted to talk to her, but not to have her lead me on some merry little chase around the land of the dead. Mallor put a hand on my shoulder and nudged me forward in reassurance. Somehow I think he knew what I was thinking, and he was assured that there would be no merry little chase this day. I followed after her. We walked down the great white halls of Mandos for a long while. I kept my eye on Nienna before me, but I could not help but gaze in awe at all those who yet dwelled in these halls.

�Yes, there are a great and numerous many that still dwell within these great walls,� she said, having clearly managed to read my thoughts. My brother cannot be expected to pass judgments all day long. They are at peace here, so do not fear for them.�

�You mean Mandos is not here right now?� asked Mallor sheepishly from behind me. I think he was still uncomfortable talking to one of the Valar. I was beginning to think that the boy had some sort of an inferiority complex.

�Not at this moment, no, he is not. We may be likened unto gods with all the powers we possess, but we are not so entirely different from the likes of people like you, Mallor. Even dwelling in those halls can prove tedious for N�mo. He is in the gardens of our brother, Irmo,� she explained.

�You mean the gardens of L�rien? The ones I have heard stories of since I was just a lad?� asked Mallor excitedly.

�Aye, those very gardens you heard about, Mallor. They are not far north of here, so we should come upon them shortly,� she assured us, never once turning around to look at us. During our little conversation we had ended up outside of the great hall somehow. I cannot say I am entirely sure how this happened, just that we were walking one moment and the next moment the walls to the Halls of Mandos just seemed to end. I think there was what one might call a large doorway, and we were outside, but I am not entirely sure about that part.

I would like to think we actually walked out a door instead of magically appearing outside, but I am not entirely certain about what is happening to me these days. Regardless, we ended up outside and we were walking. Nienna was still walking ahead of me, and Mallor still behind. I looked around me for a moment, taking in the sights of Valinor. We were surrounded by fields, and I must say that they were some of the most beautiful things I had ever seen. They were filled with tall grass and wildflowers, and above us the sky was sunny and the fluffy clouds floated by softly and silently. It was all so nearly perfect.

Soon enough I saw something up ahead that looked like it might be the gardens of L�rien, but I could not be entirely certain because it wasn�t like I had been there before or anything. The only thing that gave me this idea was that it looked like the tall grass had been neatly trimmed back and in the distance I could see a copse of trees. When we got closer I realized that there were also some large groups of what I assumed to be colorful flowers.

�Is that it?� I asked, walking a little bit faster to catch up with Nienna. When I finally matched my pace with hers and was walking beside her, she lowered the grey hood of her cloak. She nodded silently, confirming that this was in fact L�rien. Soon thereafter, when we had walked close enough to the gardens, I saw four figures sitting on the grass. �Who are they?�

�In a moment you shall meet them,� she told me, turning to look ahead at the figures in the garden. One of them had risen from their seat on the grass and now was headed in our direction. �Ah, here comes N�mo now.�

�Nienna, you have returned from your visit to my halls early,� said the Valar known as N�mo, or Mandos, his tone one of the slightest surprise. He smiled to see his sister, but upon catching a glimpse of Mallor and me, he frowned slightly. �What have you done, bringing them out from the hall so soon? I have not seen to their judgments yet, Nienna.�

�These ones are very special, N�mo, and their fates need delicate consideration. Perhaps a meeting of sorts is in order,� said Nienna softly.

�A meeting, you say? Surely you do not mean all of us. It has, after all, been a good while since last we had one. I doubt that their situation really requires something of that magnitude.� Mandos said warily. I didn�t know much about the meetings of the Valar, but I didn�t think I wanted to be the center of attention at one. I think the last time they had one was when Melkor was trying to destroy everything. I doubted Mallor and me were anywhere near as important and life-threatening as that.

�Perhaps not, but Yavanna will want to know what has become of her handiwork this time. She would be most upset if you were to send them from your halls without her knowing it,� Nienna reminded her brother. He nodded contemplatively and then examined Mallor for a moment.

�Let us meet with our dear Yavanna and see what comes of that before we attempt to call a meeting. There is no reason for that quite yet, I do not think,� he said slowly, obviously taking great care with his words.

Nienna nodded and smiled slightly. She started walking towards the gardens with Mandos by her side, saying nothing more. Expecting that to be some sort of a sign that we should follow, Mallor and I did so silently behind them. Several steps later we ended up in the middle of Irmo�s gardens where I saw, face to face, three more of the illustrious Valar, who were still sitting on the lush green grass.

For the first time in a long time it seemed as though I had found a bit of paradise.

I just wasn�t sure if I would be able to keep it.

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