Insanity Abounds

Chapter Five: Aftermath Makes for Long Nights

Spry: (yawning and looking tired) When last you were here with us, our heroines decided that they should throw a �party� and play some music. Needless to say, they frightened the entire populace of Rivendell, and all its guests.

Gandalf: (still looking spooked) You know, I wasn�t frightened by their performance.

Spry: No, dear Gandalf. I think the fright you had from when I told you that we were up to something hadn�t worn off yet. Had I not told you, you�d probably be crying in fear.

Gandalf: I would do no such thing!

Spry: (smirks) Yes you would!

Gandalf: (looking a tad angry) I would not!


Figwit: Dearest, you must calm down!

Arwen: (really pissed) Don�t you tell me to calm down! First they barge into my home, then they poison the minds of my people, then that filthy little tramp steals my beloved from me, and now they do and make all this ruckus! I will not calm down!

Figwit: (grinning mischievously) Well, if you aren�t going to calm down, then perhaps we should put all of your energy into something more�..useful�..than this ranting and raving, hmmm?

Arwen: (staring at him) Are you suggesting that we�

Figwit: Absolutely.

Arwen: (giggles perkily) Oh that sounds like fun!

(We see the two sneak off to Figwit�s room. Ya�ll know what they�re up to so we�re just gonna cut to the next scene�..)

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* (We see the four Hobbits skipping around Kit in a very hobbitty circle. She is jumping up and down at the same time.)

Merry: Yaaaay! That was really neat!

Sam: Yes! Very loud, though.

Kit: Yo, guys, stop running in circles! I�m gonna puke!

All Four: Alright!

Kit: Wll, I dunno �bout you fellas, but I�m goin� to bed! I need my beau-tay sleep.

Frodo: (looking all cute and hobbitty) Can�t you stay with us just a tad bit longer?

Others: Yes! Please?

Kit: Well I want to go to bed! How �bout you just come and we can have one great big cuddle party!

All Four: Yeaaaaaahhhh!

(They all run off to Kit�s room where they proceed in having their giant cuddle party.)

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Harper: (yawns) Man, I am the definition of tired!

(We see her walking up some stairs and down a long hallway. She bumps into someone. Gee, wonder who that could be�..)

Harper: Woah! Hey!

Boromir: (annoyed) Watch where you�re walking!

Harper: I would if I could see. This place is strangely dark when it�s nighttime.

Boromir: Well, that is no matter. I was looking for you anyway. What did you think you were doing back there, making all that noise?

Harper: I was making noise. Loud, pointless noise.

Boromir: (surprised by the lack of sarcasm he expected) Was that all you really thought it was?

Harper: I would have said �I was having fun with my friends� but that would lead to an argument with you that I don�t feel like having right now.

Boromir: (confused) Why not?

Harper: (yawns) Because I�m really tired and it�s getting cold and all I want to do is go to sleep. I hate the cold. If you really want to fight we can do it tomorrow.

Boromir: (takes hold of her lower arm) Come on I�ll take to you back to your room.

Harper: Okie.

(We see the figure of Boromir in the dark, pulling along the tired Harper. They stop in front of a door and he opens it and guides her inside. He follows her in and she shuffles right over to the bed and slips under the covers. He watches to make sure she�s settled and he turns to leave.)

Harper: (sounding very drowsy) Nighty-night.

Boromir: (trying not to chuckle out loud) Good night.

(He walks out and closes the door behind him. He turns and proceeds to walk further down the hallway. He hears some strange noises coming from one door, one being a voice that says something like �yeah figgy baby�. He shakes his head continues to walk down to his room when he notices a figure standing in a doorway. He recognizes this figure to be Aragorn.)

Aragorn: Alright. Sleep well.

(He closes the door and starts to walk away when he notices Boromir.)

Aragorn: (looking slightly nervous) Oh�..hello Boromir�..

Boromir: (laughs) Let me guess. Lady Stevie?

Aragorn: How did you guess?

Boromir: I just did the same with Lady Harper. Besides, who else would you be saying goodnight to?

Aragorn: (looking surprised) You actually got Lady Harper to her room and said goodnight to her, and you didn�t try to kill each other?

Boromir: Well, I went looking for her. I felt like having some revenge after what I had to put up with from her at the feast. I asked her a question and she actually gave me the answer I wanted to hear just so she wouldn�t have to fight with me. She said she was tired, so I thought I�d try and be nice for once.

Aragorn: Well, you know I can�t help but do that with Stevie�..I find myself flirting with her every moment. At least you hide it well. I�m hopeless when it comes to such things.

Boromir: Hiding what well?

Aragorn: Oh, please! Stop pretending like you don�t have feelings for Lady Harper, because we all know you do. Well, save for her perhaps. And maybe Lady Van�..and Kit too�..they�re both pretty out there�..Not to mention that you two are perfect for each other!

Boromir: Well, it�s useless to try to argue with you on this. I do feel�..something�..towards her. It�s all very strange. I�ve never been in love before, nor had I ever intended on falling in love with someone, if love is what you can call it.

(We hear a randomly high-pitched noise and see Van running down the hallway. Legolas is attempting to chase after her.)

Legolas: Grab her!

(Aragorn grabs Van and then Legolas takes her and puts a hand over her mouth. The high pitched noises are reduced to muffled �vrooms�.)

Legolas: For such an odd time in the evening this one certainly is energetic!

Boromir: I�d say.

Aragorn: Are you going to see her off to bed? Legolas: Aye, that was my plan. What about the other three?

Boromir: Aragorn and I saw to Ladies Harper and Stevie. I do not know about Lady Kit, though.

Aragorn: Kit saw herself to bed. She took the hobbits with her. Legolas: Well, let�s just hope they stay out of trouble. I know I have my hands full.

Van: Hrrmmm prhhmmm ooooooommmmmmm!

Aragorn: Well, whatever it was that she said, I�m going to retire for the night.

Boromir: Me too. Tomorrow will probably be hectic with all our little ones well rested!

Legolas: (chuckles) Aye, you�re right. I�ll see you both in the morning.

(Legolas drags Van off to her room and Aragorn and Boromir part their separate ways.)


Elrond: Finally! Silence!

(As if on cue, we hear a banging at the Lord of Rivendell�s door. Elrond goes to answer it. He sighs as he opens to door only to see an uneasy Erestor standing there.)

Elrond: Erestor, what are you doing here? Is something wrong?

Erestor: Wrong? Something? Oh, yes, my Lord. Just a little something.

Elrond: What is it?

Erestor: You daughter and Lord Figwit have been at it in their room for nearly two hours! The two are making so much noise in there I cannot sleep! It is repulsive!

Elrond: They are doing WHAT?

Erestor: You heard me. Elrond: I�m going to kill them!

(Elrond storms out of his room towards Figwit�s room.)

Erestor: Yes! Kill them all so I can finally get some rest!

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