The Vocation

Part Thirty

Akorsa was truly exhausted, but in her determination and fear of disappointing the people she was there to serve, she had continued to push herself. She had been feeling a bit down as of late, and she attributed that to her worries. So, upon reaching her quarters, she determined that she was going to have to take a hot bath. Now the city-folk had developed a system of pipes by which to generate hot water, and even more amazingly, to be able to get it to the top floor of the building.

Such a thing was unimaginable in Arimythia, and had caused Akorsa quite the shock when she first discovered it. Apparently the Proctors were the only ones to receive this heated water, but she enjoyed this small luxury. Back home there were no bathtubs, either, so one would have to bathe in the cold of the river or remain dirty. As for how the system operated, that was a science fully beyond the young shepherdess�s comprehension. So, Akorsa thought no more of it, and prepared the bath.

When it was ready she slipped into the steaming hot water without a second thought, sliding all the way down until the water was up to her chin. She rested her head upon a towel which she had propped up along the edge of the oblong stone and tile tub that had been set into the floor. The hot water was relaxing and she took the time to enjoy it, for as long as it lasted, anyway. Eventually the water cooled and she was forced to get out of the tub and dress. After doing so she stumbled into bed and slept without stirring so much as an inch for the rest of the night.

It was but a few hours shy of midnight when Fionn returned to their quarters. Though he had been doing it for days now, he still found walking up all those flights of stairs at night, having no one else around, to be quite unnerving. Feeling comforted now that he was no longer alone, he removed his boots and his outer shirt. He then climbed onto the bed and curled up beside his wife, who was warm and comforting. Sensing his presence in the midst of her sleep, she pressed herself against him. He tucked her head under his chin and held her tightly before he fell asleep. His last thoughts were of how wonderful the morrow would be, and of how Akorsa smelled of lavender.

- - - -

It was the blaring sun and the jerking and bumping motion that shook her entire body that finally roused Akorsa from her sleep. Opening her eyes, and then having to use her arm to shield them from the sun, she noted that she was clearly no longer in her comfortable bed within her Proctorial quarters. Smiling to herself, she dared to look around a bit more, only to discover that she was lying on some blankets in the back of an ox-drawn wagon. Pushing herself into a seated position, she turned, only to see none other than Fionn sitting up in front of the wagon.

�This is your wonderful scheme to get us home for a few days of relaxation?� she asked, kneeling up behind him from the back of the small wagon. Fionn turned to look at her with a smile.

�I do believe it is better than walking all the way there, no?� he asked with a grin. �If you do not like it I can always take the harnesses of the oxen and we can walk the rest of the way.�

�That shall not be necessary, I do not think,� she laughed. �How did you arrange all of this?�

�I have my ways, and believe me; I had to pull quite a few things to arrange it. So never you mind how I did it,� he said. �I set out early, so we ought to be arriving home soon, I do think. Do not fret; I arranged everything, so everyone knows I am taking you on a little reprieve. I also ordered the work be done on the orphanage while we were away.�

�You did? Oh, Fionn, you dear soul!� she cried, lunging at him from the back of the wagon and wrapping her arms about his shoulders from behind. �But where will the children be staying? Surely they cannot stay in the orphanage while all that restoration work is being done?�

�First of all, sit yourself down and do be careful. You are not entirely well yet, I do not think, and I will not go about having you making yourself worse. I ordered that the children, and the elderly couple that watch them, be allowed to stay in the Proctorial building. Arrangements have been made and they shall be comfortably situated until the project is completed,� he informed her happily. He looked at the road ahead of them, and in the distance the village of Arimythia could be clearly seen. �It appears as though we have arrived at home, my love!�

Akorsa smiled, nearly bouncing with her excitement. She kept her eyes focused firmly on the image in front of her all the way down the road.

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