Shit I Hate & Shit I Love

Yeah, I'm kinda a geek. :) Here's some hobbies and things that cheer me up, though.

Shit I Love

1. Girls who smoke cigarettes. For some odd reason, I find nothing sexier with women, though I quit myself, because of medical related issues, and don't really like actually being around it, in cramped or small indoor places. (JUST regular cigarettes). I guess it's a "bad girl" thing. Which looks all the sexier on a "good girl" type. You know the old joke saying "girls who smoke poke". lol.

2. I do like guys, also, though I'm pickier. With tha boiz, I usually tend to like white drag-boys, and wellhung masculine "tops", especially black. Love big muscles, too. The bi thing is only sexual for me. I'm strictly straight, romantically speaking. In other words, I'd only have serious relationships with or would marry a girl. Guys, it's only a kinky sex type thing. One of my biggest fantasies of things to do before I die is to have a MMFF 4way with my wife/partner and one other couple who are close friends.

3. My two dogs, Bandit and Brutus. Originally I wanted to name Brutus "Smokey" (like the movie), but I was out of town when he was named. They act more like Pinky and the Brain, though. lol

4. Scifi and horror. Shit like Hellraiser, Alien vs. Predator, Quantum Leap, Star Trek: TNG, and Tales from The Darkside

5. Alternative culture (goth, punk, metal, dance, some hip-hop/alt-rap, etc.....)

6. Diversity in Hollywood and entertainment: for example, "Alexander" (bisexual action hero in mainstream movie), Tricky (black "goth"-looking and styled musician), American History X (movie- check it out), Hebrew Hammer (Jewish campy comedy movie & character), Judas Priest (openly gay lead singer in legendary metal band). Yeah, it's corny, but it's kinda cool to see something different from mainstream entertainment, anyway. Meh, whatever.

7. Pro wrestling, especially ECW! ECW! ECW! And YES, I know it's scripted. Like very rough athletic theatre. But instead of a fat lady singing, the "actors" bodyslam, bleed and curse a lot. :)

8. Writing erotic short stories. Some are posted on my DA page, but you have to log in to see em. I've done some bisexual, straight, gay, lesbian, transexual, fetish, scifi, orgy, celebrity lookalike and all sorts of story themes and got pretty good reactions to many of them. Though my shit is a tad 'different' than a lot of erotica I read.

9. Porn. So what? I just admit it. Oh yeah, and strippers. Can't forget those. Nope.

10. Music

11. Fairs, Carnivals, Amusement Parks.

12. Comic books. Yeah, I'm somewhat of a comic geek. I'm not big on traditional characters,though. I like the modern violent or dark characters more. That whole 1940 Superman "I will not kill" boyscout morality and costumes that look more colorful than a pride parade just don't personally appeal to me that often. lol. Venom, Morbius, Spawn, Wolverine, Joker, and especially LOBO are some faves. That and X-Men, because of the interesting social parallels (they fight for peace, while much of conservative society hates "their kind").

Just many things that annoy me, most of which are problems with society. Some are more lighthearted, jovial topics and little things, and others are more serious in nature. Undoubtedly, many who read this may call me ignorant on some random thing I say here. But this is just where I stand. Mainly just conversation topics.

Shit I Hate

1. People who are offended by cursing, or are too easily offended by stupid shit. Whether it's pseudo intellectual types, like emo girls that are prudes when it comes to stuff like sex or aggressive music, but they can write 8980007 really crappy "emotional" pretentious poems or uberConservative pretty clean comfortable-in-their-ignorance white America, for two of the most annoying examples.

2. Elitist trendwhores

3. Prejudice: Racism, Religious Intolerance, Homophobia, Sexism, Etc.

4. Double Standards

5. Stereotypes & Labels

6. Extreme ignorant Conservatives or morons (often prejudice or forceful religious freaks who must "save" everyone based on their personal narrowminded interpretations of the bible) or Extreme hippie Liberals or pussies (supposedly more progressive and "open-minded", but just have a very selectively-inclusive definition of political correctness as their bias in place of the right wingers selective Biblical interpretations)

7. Political Correctness. Always caters to specific groups, while leaving others out.

8. The misuse of personal faithbased beliefs and attempted mixing of religion with politics and trying to force religious beliefs into places like school where they obviously don't belong.

9. Ignorant guys overly concerned with image and macho fronting.

10. A Lot of Gangsta Rap, Nu-Metal, New Country, Pop-Punk (Oxymoron) and Pop. And A Lot Of Radio and Commercial Music That All Sounds Alike.

11. Atheist types who just think they're better, or are overly sensitive to the smallest display of religion.

12. Monosexism & Biphobia-Bisexuals Getting Shat on By Both Straight and Gay Communities.

13. People who Are Always Happy & Bubbly and Can't Understand Why You May Be Angry or Unsociable Sometimes (Say At Your Crappy Job)

14. The idea that modern sport hunting is a 'manly' thing. What's really so 'manly' about ambushing an unaware defenseless Bambi while hiding in a bush from a distance with a longrange weapon? Maybe IF (1)it were a friggin' bear or something and (2)he knew he was being hunted and (3)had an honest shot of killing you, also, it might be 'manly'. Otherwise, it's just pussyass bully shit.

15. People who hate pro wrestling, and still must insist on telling every fan that it's "fake". Cuz fans TODAY are obviously not smart enough to realize that or they wouldn't watch it. *rolls eyes*

16. Workplace Politicing.

17. People too judgmental of other's attitudes about drinking and drugs. Elitist straightedgers, or people who think you're not cool unless you drink &/or smoke.

18. Mainstream media

19. MTV

20. Modern rules in hetero dating. The guy is expected to spend all the money and do all the courting and work, while the gal only has to sit back and pass judgement. After all, 767766 guys will be willing to empty their wallet for them if you don't.

21. Compromising too much for a relationship. I'd rather have higher standards, and be with a gal who I honestly have a lot in common with, than compromise or try to act interested in shit I'm not just because of physical attraction or just to be in A relationship to fit some status quo or get laid.

22. Spoiled stereotypical type pretty gals. Way too used to being waited on, and fought over. I like down to Earth types.

23. 'Religious' people of casual faith who SUPPOSEDLY believe all the supernatural events that occurred in their holy book, without a bit of questioning, but are so skeptical of anything ELSE "unknown" or supernatural happening today, and act superior to, say for example, those who believe in the existence of extra terrestrials.

24. Poverty

25. Police Brutality

26. Old senile drivers. If you can barely turn your head or drive the speed limit, it's time to hang up your keys.

27. It's going to be impossible for me to keep this one short without looking ignorant, so here goes. ILLEGAL immigration and the whole border thing. I realize that at one point, immigration laws were racist, but that honestly doesn't apply to today and they were established for a good reason. Everyone can't just pour in all at once. Our social security is fucked to high hell, and I do not see how bringing this up makes me racist. It's respect for the law more than anything. I don't think "Spanish or English" should be so popular with all of the illegal immigrants currently over here. I'd be the first to support teaching kids Spanish if the illegal alien percentage dropped and they were the "largest minority" here on the up-and-up. Hell, many Americans could seriously benefit from learning to be more multicultural. However, they should learn English first before the other way around. It is no longer a primarily white thing, but an American one, as many from all races grew up speaking it, and it is the primary shared tongue spoken in many businesses dealing with customer relations. Not to mention the international business language. I don't agree with these "English or Spanish" language options, recently, because I find the reasoning that they're the largest minority faulty, since so many are illegal aliens. Plus, I'm aware of how my ancestors came here. I didn't agree with their hostile takeover either. But, we gotta worry about now, unless we should all go back to Europe or Africa or wherever, give the land back to the Native Americans and start over, which is unrealistic. And about the effects on the economy, I kinda agree with what someone else said in that we may have to take "a step back to take two steps forward". Poverty in Mexico sucks, and I'm all for doing whatever I can to help, but I just don't believe that lax border control is any kind of solution, as it just fucks us. Not to mention that terrorists could take advantage of that lax border shit.

28. People Who Confuse Classism and Racism. (Like Kanye West's Bush comments) Poor people come in all colors.

29. Extremist organizations &/or organizations widely known to be linked with extremist behavior &/or philosophies and agendas: Ku Klux Klan, Nation of Islam/Louis Farrakhan, Pat Robertson/700 Club, GLAAD, PETA, etc)

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