I'm Jackson Christopher Myers!� Thanks for visiting my Website!
I'm 2 years old now and really enjoying Springtime!  I love to go to the playground and go down the slide.  I just got my 2 year molars so I'm up to 18 teeth now, only 2 more to go and I'll have all my baby teeth!

I'm talking a little now and can count to 4.  I love the Wiggles and Winnie the Pooh.  I have my own Pooh bear that come to bed with me everynight.

I love to color and I try to trace my own hand.  I'm running everywhere and climbing on everything I possibly can.  I love to play with the children at church.

My sister, Katie is my best playmate of all.  We have so much fun playing together everyday.  I call her "Yodi".

April 2003
January 2003
October 2002
September 2002
August 2002
Click here to watch me grow up right before your eyes...month by month!
Click here for my one year pictures!
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