Light a candle to celebrate his memory

Remember Freddie Mercury
Did you know that Freddie liked the music by Robert Palmer?

Did you know that Freddie liked the old movie, The Women?


Did you know that Freddie Mercury once was asked to perform "State of Shock" with Michael Jackson?

Did you know that Freddie once met the famous British actor Laurence Olivier? They immediately liked each other and Laurence said that Freddie would become a really good actor if he just tried.


  Lily of the valley


I am forever searching high and low

But why does everyone tell me no

Neptune of the seas an answer for me please

The lily of the valley doesn't know

I lie in wait with open eyes

I carry on thru' stormy skies

I follow every course my kingdom for a horse

But each time I grow old

Serpent of the Nile relieve me for a while

And cast me from your spell and let me go

Messenger from seven seas has flown

To tell the king of Rhye he's lost his throne

Wars will never cease

Is there time enough for peace?

The lily of the valley doesn't know





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