Things that piss me off!!!

People who think their looks are more important then peoples feelings.
People who thing homosexuals should die.
People who don't wear enough clothes.
Closed minded people.
The limits in life.
Too much homework... any homework at all.
Not enough money... lack of things to do... bordom.
People who are stuck up because they can afford to be.
People who murder the animals in this world so they can look nice.
People who have everything but want more.
Boy Groups.
The Napster-MetallicA Law suit.
School spirit and cheerleaders.
People in general.
The word "maybe"
Class periods that seem to last forever.
People who think they're better then me.. they probably are, but they don't need to rub it in.
People who think (without a doubt) that they're better then everyone.
People who think they can't but definatly can.
The Mike dude  (PUREWEIRDO)
People who think NIN is better the MetallicA
People who say their ugly but look much better then I do... it makes me feel really bad about myself.
People with too much money.
Teachers that let me down.
People that lie
Guys that hit girls... (if a girl hits a guy then yes that is wrong but the guy has no right to hit her back.. if he want to get back at her then he should have a chick beat her up but he should never hit her.)
Parents that are always drunk and/or fighting (they shouldn't do that to their children)
Parents the beat their children (they should die)
Pink is quite annoying also

That's all for now.. I'll be back with more.
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