This is me...
This is me in my christing dress... or what ever that's called.  I'm not sure what it's all about so... I just thought it was a cute picture.
I guess this is the start of my porn career... (this career was later destroyed)
I think I was dropped too many times as a baby.. but it makes for good pictures.
This is my family... a long time ago of course... (from left to right) there's my mom, my nana, and my uncle richi.... and of course there's me. I lveo this picture so much... they all seem so happy.
This was my first time in snow in a really long time and I was completely unprepared for it... and at this point I had already gotten out of my cold wet clothes and we were driving home and then mom wanted us to ge tout and take a picture... I wasn't wearing any shoes..
Sorry you had to go through all of that... you can go back to the rest of the site now... : )
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