Dear Seven Isle's Parents,
               We, the seven isles kids are proud to present to you the first web page made to help you and no one else! So please enjoy this site have fun, and most of all,
HIRE US!!!!!!!!!

HERE to email Caitlyn :) 8) * }i{ OR }i[ * (8 (: Click Here to email Ursula

    Do you want your child involved

1. The Seven Isles Roller Hockey  Team
2. Babysitting Club
3.Lemonade Stands
4. Parades
5. Talent Shows
6.Bake Sales
7. And Many More!!!!!!!
    The " Hard Work", we need help with           this too!! To put on the events above           we will need help with:

1. Fundraising
2. Building
3. Painting
4. Baking
5. Buying Diffrent supplies
6. Clean up Volunteers
7. And Many More!!!!
** Parents will be most appreciated in this area
  There will be events for all the Holidays,     But remeber it's a surprise !!!! See you         when the holiday events come around!!!
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
    Our Roller Hockey Team
This is one of our newest ideas,
  our hockey team consists of girls and boys, who will be paired into four teams, the teams names are:

1.Seven Isles Spirits
2.Seven Isles Snakesssss......
3.Seven Isles Spurs
4.Seven Isles Sharks
TRY- OUTS!!!!!!
Please Get a hold of Caitlyn, Ursula, Iggy, Or, Zach, and we will arrange a time for you to try-out for our hockey teams.
Please be sure you have:
1. Helmet
2. Rollerblades (Duh!@#$%)
3. Hockey Stick (there might be an exception if you make a certain team)
4.Pads ( If you are a goalie)
5.We will let you know if anything else is needed.

We will let you know of any further info on the teams!
NEED Babysitters????

Please Email Me And I Will Get You A Babysitter Click HERE .
Our Next Big February Fundraising Event !!!!

Would you like to show your love for some one with something special?But not too expensive??
              HOW ABOUT A ROSE !!!!
$2.00's a Rose, which includes delivery, a ribbon, and a little tag saying to _________ , from _________ !

Click HERE and tell me your name, number, adress,  the person you are sending it to.
*we can only send it to people in seven isles, and we can't promise any certain colors.
Extra, Extra, Read all about it!
Do you want us to collect your mail while you are away?

Click HERE to email Ursula about the services...
Do you want us to walk your dog?
DOG WALKING!! Email Ursula and she will get you a dog walker if you need one.
Do You have any info you would like to share about anything special that your kids are doing? Such as School shows, sports games, and anything else that your kids find fun and interesting Click Here or Here to tell us about it.
Go,Go, Fight,Fight!!!!!!!
We will need 16 cheerlearders for the hockey teams. And at least 2 stand-in's.
The Girls must be ages 8-14 to try-out. Click
HERE for further info.
***any main hockey players cannot try out!!!!!!Sorry:(

*********Parents, Your girls do not need to be expert gymnasts, or dancers, we are just here to have some fun!!!!!!!!!
For More Info Please Visit Our Main Website. Just Click HERE for further info on how to get involed and whats going on in your neighborhood.
KIDS, CLICK Here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Free SAT Preparation Page

CLICK HERE  5000 words for your child to memorize!!

Have fun as you learn!!!!
THE LIST of Services offered by individuals

Dog Walkers
Charlotte 15  524-8052
ursula       10 467-3623
Vacation House Sitters
take in mail and newspaper
take in garbage cans
water plants

Baby Sitters Club
iggy 11   467-3623
caitlyn 13  763-4744
charlotte 15  524-8052

Charlotte 15  524-8052
ursula       10 467-3623

Lawn Mowers and Gardening
Weeding, Fertilizing

Odds and Ends

Valentine Gram (Delivery of a rose to your sweetheart or favorite neighbor)
Delivery limited to Seven Isles

Proceeds from the Valentine Gram will go into the Seven Isles Neighborhood Kids Account for activities for our children.
examples:  T-shirts, chess board for chess club, uniforms for cheerleaders, lemonade, lemonade stand.
*remember order soon or else their gone!!!!!!

Please visit our mother page.
Click here
Listen Up parents, here's whats new for your kids!!!!!

On march 10th (our block party), their will be a block party kids talent show!! If you are intrested you must have a performance no longer than 4 minutes. You can have jokes, singing,dancing, duets, whatever you want, as long as in isn't over 4 minutes.
For questions or further info click here and email Me!!!
If you are into chess and your good at it maybe a chess club is the thing for you!
i will be taking polls if you guys are into the idea. If you are,
email me and i will get back to you as soon as i can!
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