Grab Bag

Grab Bag - Pet Q&A
by Sanya Thomas

Here's a list of pet questions I've received from many pet owners, and the vet is in to get you the answers:

Q:  How much exp does a pet take from the owner?  From the group?

A:  The pet is outside the group, so it takes X% of the monster's xp, and whatever's leftover is split between the groupmates fighting.  X is usually from 0-25% of the xp, scaled proportionally to the damage the pet does.  If the pet does 0% damage, it takes no xp, if it does full damage it takes its full split (25%).  Charmed creatures and druid pets take up to 50% xp, but the odds of a druid pet doing that much damage are pretty low.

Q:  What is the difference between each level of pet, i.e.:  Lesser nature spirit, minor nature spirit, nature spirit, etc..  I noticed between the lowest and second lowest type the pet buffs itself, however from the second rank to the third my pet never seemed to gain new abilities.  So what exactly do these 'levels' of pets mean?

A:  The new spells have a higher max level pet that is summoned, and can summon pets with different special abilities (please note - we're still working on hammering out their special abilities).

Q:  Actual Level of pet:  Such as a druids lower level pets vs. a higher level enchanter pet.  I have been told the actual level of pet just determines the HP the pet has and how much damage it does.  One thing that is not affect is the pets chance to hit, that is based on my character level, not the pets level.  If this isn't true, don't you think it will make weaker pets (like the druids pet) worthless after level 20?  At level 20 the pet would be level 15, meaning a yellow mob to me would be purple to pets.  We know how effective someone is against a purple monster.  This only gets much worse as a druid gets higher in level.

A:  Actual level of pet is a % of the caster's level:  Druid pets are set to 75% of the caster's level up to the max determined by the spell, and all other summoned pets are set to 88%.  ALL stats are determined by level except special abilities, which are determined by specific monster type.  Chance to hit is most definitely based on pet level, not character level.

Q:  Pet types:  Druids, enchanters, and Spirtmasters get a random pet type when the summon a pet.  Does this make a difference?  Are Tree pets stronger then wolf pets?  Do cat pets hit faster then other ones?  I think just clarifying the differences would be nice, if there are any.

A:  There are some differences, yes, but nothing substantial.  Different damage types, for example.  The exception is the Theurgist, whose elementals are radically different.

Q:  When soloing, I often pull with my DoT and send my pet in after the mob starts towards me, so by the time my pet engages the mob it is attacking from behind.  Since my pet currently rarely hits hard enough to aggro the mob onto itself it winds up chasing the mob to where I want to fight occasionally hitting.  This is exactly as it should be.  My concern/ complaint is this:  while the mob is running towards me, facing me with my pet behind it, the mob somehow can still hit my pet.  If it were me or any other pc getting chased by a mob I would get the target is not in view message.  Why can a mob hit my pet without looking at it?

A:  Players aren't restricted from attacking and running at the same time, or turning as fast as they can.  Neither are monsters.  So you can think of this as the monster running towards the player he wants to attack, realizing he's not in range yet but knows there's someone else close by he can attack, turning quickly to take a swipe at that monster then continuing on to the player.

The alternative would be NOT allowing that monster to attack the pet which would be allowing a horribly powerful version of kiting.  Attack npc, send pet, run away.  The pet gets free swings on the monster as it chases the player.

Sanya here:  I would like to thank all the players who submitted questions on the Vault and in my email for creating a good reason to post this stuff.

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