Patch Test 1.37C

Patch Test 1.37C
by Scott Jennings

Pendragon was updated again this weekend, mostly with quest fixes - here's the latest patch notes.

Edit:  Sanya here - the West Wind quest information has been changed.  There was some confusion, but clearly a 40th level ranger would want to keep his reinforced item  ;)

Dark Age of Camelot
Test Version 1.37C Release Notes
November 30, 2001


- We fixed a few crashing problems that occurred on Pendragon last night.  Everything should be back up and running now.


Hibernian Quests:

Quest Sile's Sight:  Keeper Rasa has moved away from the empyreans who guard her, and now resides by herself in a hut near their grove.

Quest West Wind:  Bards completing the West Wind quest will now receive a ring as well as coin and experience.  The reward for Nightshades who've completed the West Wind quest has been changed from reinforced to leather.  Rangers will continue to receive the reinforced item.  All existing objects will be updated.

Hibernian Monsters

- Dullahans may appear more frequently at night in the Lough Gur area.

- Cave fairies and enhornings now heal themselves less often.

- The pooka formerly known as Spook is now known as Shadowgnash.

Midgard Quests:

Quest:  Silent Death:  The level of the Silent Death quest has been lowered to 22 to match the level of the monster.  The quest level was set too high, making the rewards too low.

Quest:  Hunting Party:  Bork of Huginfell now actually gives out money he mentions for the Hunting Party quest.

Quest:  Aegan's Letter to Helen:  The journal entry for Aegan's Letter to Helen now reminds you where Helen lives.

Quest:  Tric's Lost List:  The directions to Gib for Tric's Lost List given by Tric have been added to the quest journal.

Quest:  Grenlock Clan:  The NPC's associated with the Grenlock Clan epic (for Spiritmasters and Runemasters) have undergone a slight name change.  The sons' last name is now Alfevson instead of Grenle to match their father's last name.

Midgard NPCs

Dverge Faction fix - The activities of the dverge in Muspelheim have roused the anger of the Lost Souls, who have summoned new spirits to combat them.  These new spirits can be hunted to gain favor with the Dverge.

Albion Quests:

Quest:  Abolishment of Sacrifice.  The Sacrificer Harish encounter has been brought back up to its original level of difficulty.

Quest:  Traveler's Way -- Supply Run.  Journal entries have been changed to reflect Sceley's smith profession.

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