Patch Test 1.39B

Patch Test 1.39B
by Sanya Thomas

Going live on a Pendragon near you, the following additions to the ever-growing 1.39 (not 1.38, mutter) patch:

Dark Age of Camelot
Test version 1.39b Release Notes


- The Camelot client now properly synchronizes with the server when a player enters the game.   Now, your character will not be "in" the game until you are able to control it.   Previously, your character would be in the game for upwards of 15 seconds before you could actually control it.  This led to your character being slaughtered by monsters before you could do anything about it.  We had introduced a temporary workaround, where your character gained 20 seconds of immunity when it first entered the game.  This immunity has been removed, so from now on, beware when you enter the game - your character is now immediately "fair game" for any monsters or enemy PCs that are in the area.


- The Hibernian dungeon, Coruscating Mines, is now itemized.  Equipment and loot range from levels 36-50.

- The polished stone necklace now has necklace icon instead of ring icon.

- The Michealian Staff was updated to require the proper skill (Staff), so both Clerics and Friars should have no trouble equipping it.


Midgard Factions:

The Guardians of Midgard have re-examined their priorities and decided to begin life as neutral to players characters.

Midgard Quests:

Quest Mucking through the Ick: PENDRAGON ONLY This quest is not working at the moment.   Players with this quest in their pending list should not attempt to finish it yet.  We will notify you when the quest is ready to go.

Quest Widower's Hunt: Yver now sends you to talk to his brother Yric in Myrkwood.  Yric will be not despawn after you are finished talking to him, making it possible for more than one player to complete the quest.  Yver's talk and accompanying journal entries have been changed to reflect this.

Quest Waking of the Fallen: Changed journal entries so players know to talk to Saydyn in Huginfell before going out to kill Broch.

Quest Fervent: Players on step 1 can seek out Wildtooth in West Svealand and kill her to complete their quest.  Players starting the quest now have the option of choosing to follow the elder sveawolf to Wildtooth or going on their own.  Journal entries for this quest have been updated.

Quest A War of Old: Players who are on step 2 of A War of Old and did not receive the Scout Argyle quest can return to Morlin Caan in Jordheim and get it.  Players on Step 4 of A War of Old and did not receive the Lt.  Salurn quest can return to Morlin Caan in Jordheim to get it.

Quest Grenlock Clan: Spiritmasters who received gloves they cannot use can return to Anrid in Jordheim and exchange them for gloves they can use.

Albion Quests:

Quest: Oaken Boots.  The Oaken Knight will now spawn with greater frequency.

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