As sallamu alaikum wa rahmatullah.....As sallamu alaikum wa rahmatullah.....As sallamu alaikum wa rahmatullah.....As sallamu alaikum wa rahmatullah

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MYL Walsall

Welcome to MYL Walsall

What is MYL?

MYL (Muslim Youth Leauge) is a Islamic youth league for people aged from 13 to 25! It is part of Minhaj-Ul-Quran!!
One of Minhaj-Ul-Quran mission is to educate the youth with Islam because they are the future!
The MYL is run across many parts of the world including Pakistan.

Youth are our future, lets educate them with the love of our holy prophet Muhammad (PBH) and the education of the holy Quran

You are about to undertake a momentous journey- a journey that will take you through the endless joys and riches of the words that your creator and Lord has sent to you and all mankind. As you come to the QUR'AN, you will come to a new world - a world of untold treasures of knowledge and wisdom to guide you on the pathways of life, of thought and action of deep insights to capture your imagination; of radiant light and illumine the deeper reaches of your soul; of profound emotions and glowing warmth to melt your heart and bring tears running down your cheeks. It is the QUR'AN and only the QUR'AN, which can lead you on and on to success and glory in this world and the HEREAFTER.

What is Aprils fools day? oof That's a hard question.
You fool! April fools day is a day when all English people celebrate and fool each other!! now do you know what it is?
Yeah but what has that got to do with this site or Islam?
well that isn't the full story Aprils fools day started years back when Spain was an Islamic country, and.................. hey! and why have you stopped telling me.
click here for more



—> MYL home

—> Islamic news (English)

—> Urdu news

—> Minhaj news

—> Multimedia


Other MYL links

Programmes in Walsall

—> A little reference book for children

—> Islam for the younger kids and youth

—> Beauty of Hijab

—> Aprils Fools Day

—> Pakistan news in English







 Search the Web.
[  MYL home  |  Islamic news (English)  |  Beauty of Hijab  |   Aprils Fools Day  |  Pakistan news in English  |   A little reference book for children |   Islam for the younger kids and youth | Minhaj news | Urdu news | Multimedia | MYL | Other MYL links | Programmes in Walsall |
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Published By Ahsan Hussain
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