<BGSOUND SRC="therosemid.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>

An Angel Waiting

On a hill in the distance a young child quietly waits.
  Patiently he watches for his family at the gate.

  His blue eyes shine so brightly as hope swells within.
  for soon he'll see his loved ones and never part again.

  How joyeous will be the meeting as mother holds her son,
       and father kisses softly the angel.....his long lost one.

  Once more they'll hold each other, and tears will be no more.
Forever they'll be together as they pass through Heavens door.

By Cynthia Clifton

After a While....You Learn

After a while you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul.

And you learn that love doesn't mean leaning and company doesn't mean security,

And you learn that kisses aren't contracts and presents aren't promises,

And you begin to accept your defeats with your head up and your eyes open, with the grace of an adult, not the grief of a child,

And you learn to build all of your roads on today because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans,

After a while you learn that even the sunshine burns if you get too much,

So you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.

And you learn that you really can endure...that you really are strong,

And you really do have worth.............

Author Unknown

In The Morning Light

I wake up to see you
standing in the morning light.
I reach out to touch you,

But all that I get,
Is a memory and yet,
I feel you are near
But my vision is not clear.

Yet I have your image always in view,
I'm forever thinking of you.

I feel you watching me,
Quietly in the morning light.
I try to find some peace of mind.

In knowing you're where
You don't have a care.

I take comfort that
You no longer have
To keep living in this world of pain,
But I ache to see you again.

On rainy days I sit and think of our lost years,
The time we will spend apart just fills my eyes with tears,

But fields of wild flowers and yellow butterflies
Remind me of you and make me smile.

I walk into your room
And stand there in the morning light.
I cherish the memories:

your toys on your bed
your favorite book,
I can smell your perfume
on the clothes in your room.

Everything I see makes your loss hard to bear,
I see you everywhere.

I live now in a still world
listening in the morning light.
I strain to hear a familiar voice

But all that I hear
Is the sound of my tears.
Then from a far place,
Comes the slightest trace

Of your voice saying, "I'm all right, you see,
and I will always be."

Then yellow butterflies and fields of wildflowers
And thoughts of happy times replace the showers.

memories, rainbows,
familiar scents, your button nose,
trips we took, laughs times six.

Special gifts, common sights,
Fill my thoughts in the morning light.

(This is a song I found..I do not know who the writer is.)

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