Mylne's Court Halls of Residence

Stand in Edinburgh's Princes Street and look up to one of the noblest townscapes any European city can offer: The Mound, New College, Ramsay Garden, and the towers and battlements of Edinburgh Castle soaring above them all. Or stand on the ramparts of the Castle itself and follow the line of the Royal Mile, threading its way down between the tall lands of the Old Town, cradle of so much of Scotland's history. Playing its part in each of these scenes is a building now functioning as a hall of residence at the University of Edinburgh, yet preserving its distinguished heritage as one of the old Lawnmarket dwellings: Mylnes Court.

Roy M Pinkerton & William J Windram - Mylnes Court: Three Hundred Years of Lawnmarket Heritage

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Mylne's Court, Lawnmarket, EDINBURGH, EH1 2PF
House Office telephone: 0131-650 8930
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