Despite my calling her that on a regular basis, Plugfester Q. McPuppydoggue (Pluggy) was a lively, intelligent companion who kept me sane while I was going through some rough times. She went to live with my mom (thanks Ma!) when I left New Hampshire for Georgetown, and lived pretty much happily ever after until she passed away in Sept 1999 from advanced Cushing's disease.
What is Cushing's Disease?
Pluggy even got arrested once! My roommate at the time had left the apartment door unlocked because she'd lost her key and went to look for it; Pluggy got out of the house and was picked up about a half-mile away by a policeman. They tracked me down at work at a nearby McDonald's, and the closing crew had a good laugh at me seeing that stupid dog in the back of a cruiser, and then being handed over through the drive-in window.