Simcox Homeschool
Welcome to our web home . We are glad you stopped by . We have some free stuff for you to use for your homeschool studies . Keep checking back for new stuff . 
**UPDATE June13,2008**
Hey everyone : Sorry about the broken links (again). My free file host keeps deleting my files so I will now be using MediaFire and my Yahoo group to host my files. Unfortunately all the files listed on my webpages are stored on my other computer (which at the moment is not working) so I can't restore these files right now.
I have uploaded new printables to my Women's Ministry and Sunday School Pages.I still have to work on my notebooking pages. If anyone has the old files saved to their computer could you email them to me and I can upload them again that way.Please put Files in the subject line. Thank you for your patience , please bear with me for just a few more days as I reorganize and work on the sites.
Nikki's Notebooking Pages
Some free pages I made for you to use .
Still working on updating this page. If you have any of the old files please email them to me and I will upload them again.My email link is below.Please put Files in the subject line. Thanks !
My Women's Ministry site .
Free devotions and printables for your church Women's Ministry . Plus decorating ideas for your dinners .
My Sunday School Site .
Free attendance sheet and research page for Bible Study .
My Blog
My Yahoo Group
You can download homeschool printables there.
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