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Programs Devoloped by Rahul S.Dudhe (Self):-

Design & Analysis of of CAM mechanism. this software allows you to design the CAM Mechanisms

>> This software is developed by my batch as a B.E. Project .If you are interested to have its source code to develop it further .Please Mail Me (Rahul S.Dudhe). (I had Work is Project Leader)

Small C++ program used for color selection while programming (with source code)

>> This is DOS based program which will ease you to select color while programing in C++.(By product of my project & is Developed by me)

Header file to improve you DOS program appearance & make it user friendly.

>>This is a usefull header file which will help you to make your C++ program more user friendly. Simply replacing cout by function name and specifing location you could have better apearance of your DOS program also you could add help-line which could be helpfull to user.(By product of my project & is Developed by me).

Programs from InterNet:-

Unit Convertion Software

>> Program which will ease you to convert values from one unit to other.

Psychometric Chart

>>This Software is basically a MS-Excell application.

Floopy Formating Software

>>This is a DOS based application , it is very usefull to format floppy which window cannot format.One exiting this is that it make 1.44 MB floppy to 1.72 MB.

File Spliter

>>This easy you to split a big file so that you could easily carry it in your floopy.

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