Fact File
Full Name : Melissa Ashley Graham

Birthdate : October 10, 1975

Nicknames : Queenie, Diva

Brother / Sister : Russel, Julian, Alexander / Jane, Karen Stella

Pets : A dog called "Sasha" and a puppy called "Snoop"

Hobbies : Cleaning, listening to Stevie Wonder songs, boxing

Favorite Clothing : Nike sports outfits

Favorite Artists / Singer : Maxwell, Stevie Wonder

Favorite Song : Overjoyed (Stevie Wonder)

Favorite CD Right Now : Stevie Wonder LIVE!

Favorite perfume : Chamade

Favorite Book : "Last Chance Saloon" by Marian Keyes

Favorite Holiday Destination : Barbados

Favorite Movie / Actress : "Coming To America" / Audrey Hepburn

Favorite Sports : Boxing and kickboxing

Good Traits : Caring and honest

Bad Traits : Bad tempered when she's tired and always on the phone

Hates : Dishonesty, egoism, and racism

Fears : Flying

Most Embarrassing Moment : Throwing a cup of coffee over the mixing panel of the producer

Ambitions : Becoming a successful singer

Best Aspect of the Job : Performing on stage and meeting new people

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