= Fanlistings =
= Hatelistings =
= Watch These =
= Other Links =
= Photos =
= Poetry =
= Art =
= Graphics =
= My LJ =
= Contact =
= Care2 =
= DefCon =
= Animal Scam =
= Bread for the World =
= Planned Parenthood =
= Marilyn Manson =
= Placebo =
= your link here =
= your link here =
= your link here =
= your link here =
= OccultForums =
= Last.FM =
= Chateau Bizarre =
= Dita[dot]net =
= 77words =
= DeviantART =

I don't patronize bunnyrabbits...About my Site
Ah, my fresh new website; free from a silly screename and now with a cool new layout. My old website is here, if you feel like looking at it... I am now in the middle of an extensive move and renovation of everything, so if things don't look right here for awhile, there is a good reason behind that ^_^... But all in all, this is my little niche on the web, and a nice little place to put all of my fanlistings and whatnot up. Go ahead and peruse around a bit, see if there's anything that tickles your fancy.

Last Updated: 8/09/08

I am your density...About Moi
I'm 20 & female. I love reading, making graphics on Photoshop, and listening to a wide assortment of music. I'm from Arkansas & currently residing there, and love it..

I plan on going on to get my Bachelor's degree in Art History with a minor in Anthropology while pursuing my artistic endeavors. I suppose my dream and aspiration is to live comfortably in the Bohemian lifestyle...

I have an interest in Gnosticism, Witchcraft, European pagan holidays, Egyptian paganism, Buddhism, and East Indian deities. I believe all spiritual paths that honor others and God (or however you address the Great Spirit) are perfectly valid. And if you believe in nothing, that's fine too... I also believe in past lives, divination, meditation, astral travel, and dreamwork... No, I am NOT a Wiccan...

hide the rum...What You Should Know
This entire layout was coded by vanilla.girl, found on Daydream Graphics.com, but the images I'm using were made by myself. You can click on all the needed links at the bottom.

layout by vanilla.girl | download at DDG

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws