訪問摘要 - 訪問高世章先生

日期: 15/4/2008

被訪者: 高世章先生

採訪者: Cherry, Sally


a) 製作成本

問: 香港原創音樂劇的製作成本如何?

答:Production costs in Hong Kong generally tend to be low.Costs such as writers’ fee, designers’ fee, director’s fee, actors’ salaries, set and costume costs, theatre rental and marketing cost are mostly from sponsors and funding from LCSD and the monies are usually not very high.

問: 相比于其他形式的舞臺劇和西方翻譯劇來講,原創音樂劇的製作周期怎樣?


答:Musicals usually take a much longer time to produce than plays because they require extra time for music preparation and rehearsals.Original musicals can take years to produce.The score of a musical, which includes music and lyrics, can take a long time to write and rewrite.The composer and lyricist’s commission fees may be paid by installments, upon which revisions and drafts are delivered.Hong Kong musical productions commonly use MMO (music minus one) instead of a real orchestra or band, so at least that saves some time.A musical or play adapted into the Chinese language relies on how fast the lyricist and playwright works.In general, it takes less time than an original musical to produce.Hong Kong productions, however, are put up very quickly regardless of whether it is a musical or play.Therefore, all costs are budgeted within the expected production period.


問: 會否經常出現不能回本的情況?如會,是由什麼原因造成的?通常會如何解決?

答:To my knowledge, musicals in Hong Kong seldom make a profit.Breaking even is very good news.The amount of audiences is usually not big enough for a long run to recoup.Therefore, funding and sponsorship are highly important.


問: 製作資源 (包括人才、場地、道具、音樂等) 主要來自哪裡?會缺乏嗎?

答:The Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts (HKAPA) has nurtured most of the theatre people in Hong Kong.As of 2006 or 2007, they had already demolished the musical theatre performance courses for actors and there has never been a course for musical theatre writing.Other training courses such as directing and lighting and sound design continue to exist.


問: 在香港有沒有場地限制?適合演出的地方足夠嗎?

答:I would say there are not many theatres that can house large productions.The HKAPA Lyric Theatre and The Cultural Centre’s Grand Theatre are two that are conveniently located.They also have an orchestra pit, should that be required.Other big houses such as Kwai Tsing Theatre and Yuen Long are well equipped, but are considered not too easily accessible.


b) 香港音樂劇 vs. 西方音樂劇


問: 香港音樂劇與西方音樂劇的內容和編排等主要有什麼分別?香港音樂劇多會選擇以什麼作主題?原因在哪?

答:Both Western and Hong Kong musicals tend to stay close to their own cultures.They are audience-based products so the subjects are usually something the audience members are familiar with or can relate to.The history of the Hong Kong musical is relatively young, and it is still trying to establish an identity at this point.


c) 香港音樂劇狀況


問: 通常吸引的是哪種類型、哪種年齡層的觀眾?

答:I would say perhaps people in their 20s-40s and educated are the majority of the paying public, but I am not 100% sure.


問: 觀眾對翻譯音樂劇和本地音樂劇的反應分別大嗎?

答:It depends on how it is translated and how the production is directed.


問: 觀眾對本地音樂劇有什麼要求?

答:I would say big productions tend to be more popular.Small sophisticated shows may find a more specific but small audience.Happy endings tend to work better too.


問: 原創音樂劇的成功因素在哪裡?(翻譯劇與原創劇的優缺點,哪個更適合香港)

答:Of course there is nothing better than creating a musical from scratch.It is also one of the most difficult art forms.But when it works, when music, lyrics, book blend well together, it is one of the most satisfying experiences for theatergoers and the creative team.I personally prefer originals to adaptations.


問: 怎樣看近來興起以流行歌手或流行感重的音樂為主的音樂劇?他們成功的地方在哪?會向他們學習嗎?

答:It is a good thing if a pop singer can bring more audiences into the theatre.Musicals can certainly be pop-based, or even made up of pop songs, as long as everything is written in context.


問: 會堅持演出藝術性高的音樂劇嗎(artistic與commercial的平衡問題)?

答:I think a musical has to be written with an audience in mind.You have to ask who your audience is, however small or specific, when you create a show.Of course if it can be 雅俗共賞,that’s even better.




問: 香港音樂劇有發展空間嗎?

答:Definitely. As I said before, it is still trying to find its own identity.There are so many possibilities and it can only get better and better.


e) Solution


問: 怎樣讓更多香港人認識本土的音樂劇?

答:Better productions, better writing, better training and most of all, better marketing.

