The Mars and the Life on the Earth

Mykhaylo Cherevko

Kyiv, Ukraine

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Lately I read several times about a forthcoming opportunity of landing on the Mars of the people. I guess that it will be the Americans or the Chinese. At present the superior, which make decision to send the people to the Mars, is guided the enough simple extrapolating suppositions: it is enough the most necessary earth realized by them conditions to model, for example, air, temperature, food, individual information, physiological and psychological trainings. They think everything will be all right: the people will live in the distance from the Earth even hundred years and will give birth to the children. They suppose that in Universe for biological organism and the human creatures all is identical except the mentioned above conditions. I am afraid that all it is not simple, and with the children it will not be good even at the beginning of flight.

We have not any information that the life on the Earth or somewhere in the other place of the Universe has arisen spontaneously. In belief in the self-conception of the life in the Universe the people proceed from the one and only fact: the existence of the life on the Earth. All statements that in form of biological cell the life have appeared in closed system as a result of process of complication (or the regulating) of the atoms collection are based on nothing. There are no proofs or apparent facts that in the entourage us simple systems, the modifications can result in new qualitative relationships. Quite the contrary, concerning systems it is possible to contend that with time any more composite relationships have an opportunity to be destroyed, and on a very big time they will be necessarily lost. In this case they speak about the entropy increase.

We do not know that we do not know. But it is known for us only such knowledge that the brain some of us was capable to realize. More correctly, the society can understand even less than that. Any vague conjectures or fancies excite someone, and they aspire to inform others. But those have no such guesses and do not trust in them. Taking into account the teenage character of association between the people in existent societies, the association that for the majority of the representatives of our species is based on the convention, sometimes such vague sensations develop themselves into the religious doctrines. The proof simplifies the verification of the conjectures. Very likely, the proof underlies the accumulation of the social knowledge. It is the basic tool of a science for the verification of the hypotheses, as a rule from vague guesses. The proof and the experimental verification. But the proof is only the tool of verification and it can not be an tool of creation. May be except for a case of calculation. The sequence of the proofs forms combined chains, but it cannot show the picture. For the simple chains with several steps we can finish the proof up to the end. This end is the practice. For intricate systems, for example the Universe, the proof cannot be achieved. Even in mathematics not always the result achieves from a chain of proofs. The intricate object should be observed, to accumulate the information, checking its parts by the separate proofs. At first it is necessary to agree how to discuss the intricate object. Otherwise the discussion of such objects by the people which do not comprehend wholly subject, making deductions without a system and a sequence of following, leads the people to the division into small communities. It is as the Babylon tower. The scientific method demanding to use only the visible objects, directly in technologies and indirectly in social organization, has brought to the European civilization. The situation when the people that make the solution, are convinced that they know everything about the intricate object and begin (more correctly, continue) to work as before, always will lead to a social fiasco. In fact, in our Universe this inability to stop a growth of the system reduces to destructions the successful systems with relentless repeatability.

This instability of the growth of all systems that are constructed at the unions of "invariable" elements in the Universe, show that the Universe has no the ability to self-development. Certainly, I have in view the objects, which are closer to the biological creatures conditions. Entirely other conditions are created inside stars and, probably, enough large planets. Ability of system to stop the growth, when is the surplus of a building material, is one of the necessary conditions of the self-development. The set of such necessary requirements of the self-development consisting as though from two subsets, creates the necessary prerequisites for the self-development of the system instead of its temporary complication, as result of integrating its elements by one force.

Physicists have come out with a suggestion about the Universe appearance that is based on the detection of the Doppler effect at stars. It is necessary to assume medium, in which our Universe appeared and now develops. This medium I name "The Unphysical world". The very first elements with physical properties should be rooted in the Unphysical world. They carry concerning him the extraneous quality, because The Unphysical world must tear them away. It should look so, as if they move away from each other similar, how the stars scatter. If there was only one type of such particles, the modern Universe has not arisen. The fact of presence in the Universe of the physical particle unions speaks, that they must have a few attractive types. There is a question: they appeared at one time or they were created on first very short, but sufficient to not run up, stage of development of the Universe. For evolution and self-making of several elementary particles the time and the self-development conditions were necessary. But at presence only of one element and absence of an environment it would be impossible. So which an environment was and now is for the first physical element?

Firstly, it is necessary to assume an ability to the self-development. For this purpose all Unphysical world should be one continuous well-ordered system. The property of the self-development aspires to be isolated from exterior medium or to include this medium in process of the self-development. Certainly, if probably one or another. The Universe has arisen as a result of some changes in the Unphysical world, but the new properties of the Universe have appeared for the Unphysical world as exterior. Therefore, the appeared Physical space was exterior medium and more simple, and such mediums are not always suitable to a manipulation by them. The insulating has appeared impossible. The learning of such medium occurs on the way of inserting it in the structures, when the applied to it model gives positive result.

The first physical particles had only one physical quality, but they had quite composite interior structure that is included in the Unphysical world. He cannot isolate or liquidate this structure without the disturbance of him integrity. The traditional self-development procedure of the Life gives the following solution: the neutralization of the repulsion properties. For that purpose Creator creates the well-defined set of elements of similar to the first one, which by an attraction are related in the structures, which are adequate existing stable systems. At such approach the new substructure of the Unphysical world system should become as result. It must be bounded with the Unphysical world and not to break the homogeneity. As result the atoms similar by ours should appear. Without electrons, certainly. For neutralization of repulsion all they should be in one attractive field that cover all Physical space. This Physical space should become one star. Its boundary would be the boundary of the Physical space. More correctly, if such happened, to speak about its dimensionality is senselessly. However, during the learning of the arising Universe an impracticable problem has appeared. The new property � the time � was unaccounted. It was impossible to transmit to the Physical space all necessary set of the Unphysical world properties, as it is made during of the dependent development when system are duplicated, for example, at the child conception.

In the Unphysical world there is no time. The new is created at once. The process of making at reminds the activities of the clever man, which at first thinks over, and then creates, and he does not make trials and errors. In the reduced set, which the Physical space had, in contrast to the formation at once of all properties in the Unphysical world, to the final result it is possible to come only through the consecutive discrete states. The time is the destructive always and everywhere. It has not allowed to finish that was begun. Therefore instead of one structure the set of spherical bodies - stars - was generated. The stars are interlinked directly to the Unphysical world. The atoms in them on sufficient remoteness deep into from a surface have some other character of interaction, than ones known to us, and they are immediately included in the system of the Unphysical world. At least it should be for large part of stars and, in particular, for our Sun. Such stars have the physical fields that unit of physical objects. But they have also the fields of the Unphysical world. From our point of view the Unphysical world is rather composite system. For us it is a limit of complexity. The unity of such system is supported, speaking our language, by significant major riches of the forces. Most likely, in the Sun the set of the unphysical fields is more than the physical one. From the point of view of the size such fields' majority have in the Universe rather small radius. The unphysical fields are interlinked immediately to atoms and little rise above their "surface", not reaching the electrons orbits. Here in the Universe the objects, which have no dimensionality in the Unphysical world, has the sizes. Adding one to other in the Sun the unphysical fields begins to occupy the considerable volume, fading with the removal from the Sun. The Sun has a few of the such fields. It is possible even, that all of them have the same radius outside of the Sun, disappearing with the distance.

The atoms inside the Sun have a peculiarity: absence of repulsion. Our atoms have the properties - electrons. The electrons were thought up for the neutralization of a repulsion of the atoms. Certainly, without result to fall on atom. That is achieved by a repulsion of an electron from interior atom unphysical fields on close distance. The same fields bring together atoms inside the Sun. The atoms, which we know them on the Earth, are not present in the Sun, except for a surface. The structures, which we know as atoms and which practically self-isolate on the Earth, are the substructures on the Sun. The warm, which is leaked by the stars through a surface, speaks about "temperature" of the Unphysical world. The outlet of heat is bound to the problems of interaction of the Unphysical world and Universe, though it gives us chance not only as a resource, but also as the future problems. All interior Sun structure is constructed so that to be blended with the structure of the Unphysical world, but all the same it is reduced and not completely included in the structure of the Unphysical world. The atoms rapprochements in the stars are reflected in physical quantities of distances. Therefore the unphysical fields of the star atoms have dimensionalities, being extended in the Universe and carrying out to us of the Unphysical world fields.

In the Universe in a basis of all systems the atoms with properties (electrons) lay. In the Universe the changes are under construction on inertias from a first motion and changes, bound at collision during growth of a trajectory, sizes of integrating, intensity of interaction. The similar changes are not capable to create the closed self-developing systems. Firstly, it is necessary the collection of atoms, which are capable to change the reciprocal disposition, i.e. the structure of ensemble, instead to move on inertia with taking into account the connections through the electrons. Most likely, such collections are inside the Sun. Their combinations, having appeared outside of the Sun, is potentially capable to be united in the self-developing set. Secondly, a plan of integrating from the Unphysical world should be known for the atoms. It is necessary to find a principle of integrating, using experience of stars, and the scheme that is in the other world. From the point of view of the repulsion neutralization the connection of atoms in the stars is static. It is impossible to repeat the similar static structure in a cold part of the Universe. The solution was found in the short-term rapprochement of the atoms for the neutralization of their repulsion. The Unphysical world find for alive cell a method of dynamic integrating, in which the part of atoms is in a state of the repulsion neutralization in the consecutive short interval of time, conducting the information from the Unphysical world to the arrangement atoms structure and back. For simplest biological sell the information from the Unphysical world is the information about their structure. And on the contrary, studying a connections destruction of atoms after staying of the cell in the Universe, the Unphysical world receives the information about the Universe from the cell.

The factor of time (inertia) works on all objects of the Universe. It has dissociative character. I.e. the initial integrating of atoms will be destroyed after some quantums of the time and to return to a former state it is necessary to make use of the schema and to re-establish the integrating. For this purpose the integrating of atoms should glance at the Unphysical world and compare itself to the schema. I shall repeat. It takes place in continuous dynamic process, which occurs in the cell. Here we have again the same solution that the Unphysical world applied to elementary physical particles: the repulsion neutralization. In the atoms ensemble such arrangement is reached, when for several, but not all, atoms the repulsion will be neutralized, the atoms mutually close in, their disposition is checked with the schema, if it is necessary, the relations are recovered, and then the chemical connections are rehabilitate again, and the neutralization process passes to the following group. During the neutralization the electrons are pushed out of the border of the neutralized group and their influence on atoms is excluded. In the Unphysical world the properties is absent. As well as in the Unphysical world, in the biological cell the process of the repulsion neutralization occurs differently than in a chemical molecule. In the cell the interior organization principle of stars is reiterated and between the cell and the Sun arises something like a resonance that is possible only through unphysical fields. At first the field of the Sun helps to approach to atoms, and around of atoms begins to accrue their natural unphysical field up to the moment of the necessary conductance. The return back to the chemical state occurs after termination a period of neutralization of electrons. In a narrow ring around of the Sun, where there is an orbit of the Earth, the necessary field intensity has appeared. Only in the condition of this narrow ring and nowhere else in the Universe the biological life is possible. Hardly it is possible with other set of atoms.

Moving away from the Sun and leaving the unphysical fields and a ring of life the repulsion neutralization of atoms in the cell will be stopped. The connection with the Unphysical world will break off. The interior ordering and the unity of the cell will be stopped. There will be decay to chemical molecules analogically, as it takes place after death of the alive being. It is an error to tie together life with albumen molecules. They are formed only after the cell death.

At approach to the Sun the period of the neutralization will increase, but, certainly, the atoms integrating as in the Sun will not be. There will be decay on atoms or short chemical molecules.

Once I read the brief article about American astronauts that visited on the Moon. There was spoken about negative influence of flight on some of them. If someone from them has appeared in extreme removal points from the Earth orbit, whether that interestingly on them it has had an effect. Though in such flight other negative factors should work also.

Above the principle of functioning of the biological cell is described. In composite multi-cellular organisms and in the organisms with organized understanding the other forms of connections with the Unphysical world exists in addition. Such connections fracture cans influent on the stability of the multi-cellular organism and the mentality.

Being returned to philosophize, I think, that is correct, when they stop and isolate the chatterer, from those to whom they can disturb to work, when they impose discussion of the composite objects. Certainly, when without fanaticism. But before the flight on Mars it is necessary to think and to plan examinations, though of those opportunities, those are described above. For example, to observe at a physiological state of a small mammal or a snail in the flight at least.

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