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"Altruism brings group success, and we are all one group"

You want to climb Mount Everest
You want to start an artists studio
You need a telescope to study a distant star
You want to have the best party ever
You want to install water purifiers and generators in Sudan
You want your book published or album recorded

All is possible with MyOur Nation. And more.
Now Free Membership
My Our Nation

The purpose of My Our Nation is to pool peoples resources to be used on what the members want, in a true democratic fashion. Giving the members those citizens of the world, more power and freedom to do the grand things they dream of.

WE will to use the power of community and democracy to acheive more than an individual could on their own.

WE will bring the people of the world together, by building a nation without borders.

WE will encourage that which is different, that which won't make a profit, that which pushes humanity to greater hieghts.

We will level the playing field so that the whole planet can acheive its full potential.

A true global Nation.

The way it works

The members donate a monthly fee of a minimal amount, at the moment $7AUD and that money is held in an account to be used for the projects pitched to the members, by the members. The members 'citizens' will then vote on which projects are undertaken.

It is also possible to donate extra funds to projects one personally likes.

The Rules

To have as few restrictions as possible
To do
no harm
All proposals and efforts must have a goal other than profit.
Promote freedom of thought and action
Complete transparency
Equal and democratic
One vote per person
Open membership
No one person should get paid more than 10 times another
If income is received from a project, at least half should be returned to MyOurNation
Become a member
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