The Band
The Gigs
The Images
The Fans
The Links
The Extras
Next Concert: Friday, August 26th at Forgetta Bout It (One)
Welcome! This is a Fan page dedicated to the fabulous houston band My Own I! Take a look around and if you have any comments or questions, leave them in the guestbook or email me at [email protected]

-this site was last  updated on 18 August, 2005
On the last Update I.....
(21 August)

-Added to the "gigs" page

-Changed some stuff on the home page

-Uploaded some graphics

(18 August)

-Added a banner and html to use it with

(17 August)

-Changed the opening banner

-Added to the "gigs" page
Disclaimer: I am not, nor do I own, The band My Own I. I have taken all of this information without permission from the bands website and from their My Space account. I only intend to share it with you guys for greater good, not for any other purpose.
site made, maintained and copyrighted by Darcy Raulston, 2005.
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