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Personal Information. 1

The basics of a Network Marketing company: 1

A day in the life of a Network Marketer OR what it is like to run your own business. 2

The companies I have chosen. 16

WATKINS  (Canada, USA) 26

NUTRAFARMS (Canada – Ontario and Quebec only) 39



Hello, and welcome to my home page.  I would like to start by stating that this is a personal page, designed to give you a few ideas on starting your own business.  You are more than welcome to contact me for more information on ordering any products here, or for any other information you may desire.  That’s what I am here for!


Personal Information


I am 33 years old and live common-law.  I have worked in construction for the past 5 years or so, as a heavy equipment operator.  Click HERE for pictures.  I didn’t have steady work, and went from job to job.  I have worked for many different companies at many different sites in the area, such as Brampton, Barrie, Collingwood, and a few in between.  I’ve driven Rock Trucks, Loaders, Packers, Excavators, and Back-hoes.  I have also flagged, screened and worked in the office of gravel pits.  I am indispensable in the aggregate industry, simply because I can do so many different things; or so you would think.  The truth is that I am a woman which puts me at a disadvantage over the men.  It is harder to find work because most companies would rather hire a man to run equipment, simply because it is traditional.


Let me give you an example.  A few years ago, I was working with a loader, plowing snow at a large factory, which I had done for 4 years.  There were quite a few of us working that year, and I was one of the few who could run every piece of equipment there (with the exception of the salt/sand trucks).  I always showed up, no matter what time of the day or night I was called in.  I worked long hours (my longest shift was 21 hours straight).  I was the only one working who NEVER said no.  I also drove a few other guys to work when needed.  So, I was dependable, responsible and went out of my way to do what they wanted.  At the end of the year, when I received my last pay, I was told “There’s a bonus in there for you, since you did such a great job.”  Sounds good, doesn’t it?  Well, he should have stopped talking there, but he continued… “Well, all the other guys were getting stand-by time and you weren’t, so I felt bad…”  In other words, the men were getting paid salary every week, whether they worked or not, as incentive to keep them working, and I wasn’t.  Is this fair?  How would you have felt?


Me?  I was upset and angry, and I vowed to find something else.  But what?  Looking back, I have always been in a position of authority.  I’ve been assistant manager a few times, and “Head Gate Attendant” at a provincial park.  I have also been an office manager.  Even when not in charge, I learn the job fast and others come to me for advice.  I am a natural leader.  I have always wanted to work for myself.  No Boss.  No set hours.  No commute.  No Boss (did I say that?).  Imagine getting paid what your worth, and not what the job is worth!  For example; if you get paid $15 per hour to put stickers on envelopes, what is your motivation?  What if you made $0.50 for every sticker?  Then you are in control of how much you make.  Want to buy a barbeque for your husband on Father’s Day?  Then work a little harder, faster and/or longer.


No, I do not do any assembly work, and no you do not have to be a woman to work at home!  None of my sponsors are women, and only one actually lives in the same country!  That should give you an idea of how easy it is.


The basics of a Network Marketing company:


They are NOT Illegal Pyramids.  You would be amazed at how often I hear that.  A “pyramid” is when you pay money to the person sponsoring you and he/she keeps a cut.  Another definition is when there is no actual product.  I’ve been with enough companies now to know the difference (and no I have never joined one which was illegal).  If you are not sure, email me and I will be happy to help you out.


With most companies, you sell products and/or services and make a profit on said product/service, and/or you recruit others to also sell and you make a small percentage of their sales as well.  The people you recruit are known as your “down line”.  You are responsible for training them, and helping them get started, but you don’t have to hold their hand.  In most cases, yes you do have to pay a fee to start.  This covers your starter kit, license to retail and sometimes also contains product samples for you to try before you sell, but your sponsor SHOULD NOT keep part of this fee.  It is paid to the company; directly in most cases.  In some instances, you may give the money for your starter kit to your sponsor, but he/she should give ALL of it to the company.  If he/she keeps any, I would be leery if I were you.


Usually, if a company tells you they will do all the selling and recruiting for you, they are only trying to hook you in.  You really don’t get anything for free.  Once you join, you will discover that there IS work you have to do.  You don’t have to sponsor your own down line, but you DO have to recruit people to put in your down line’s down line. 


Don’t like to sell products?  Then concentrate your business on sponsoring others, but I should tell you that most businesses require you to do some selling, even if just to relatives and friends.  As long as you have chosen a good company with good products, this isn’t usually a problem.  If you use them yourself, it is only natural that you talk about them.  Most of us do some marketing every day.  What is the last movie that you saw?  Do you recommend it?  Or how about a good restaurant?  If you can talk about these things, than you can sell products.   It is that easy.


Some companies let you join free to try it out for a limited period of time, with the option of upgrading as you go.  This is possible, but, chances are that if you don’t have anything invested, it is not important enough to keep you interested for long.  Does that make sense?  If someone gave you a puppy and it ran away two days later, you may be a little upset, but you’ll get over it.  If you PAID a few hundred dollars for that same puppy, you’ll be out there putting up flyers and posting ads in local papers…  (Okay, that is a drastic example, but it is true if you think about it)



A day in the life of a Network Marketer OR what it is like to run your own business


Want to know what it is really like to run a network marketing business?  Here’s my schedule:


My infant daughter wakes me in the morning, usually around 7:00 or 7:30am.  Changing and feeding her takes approximately 45 minutes.  I then get dressed, showered, etc and ready to start my own day while the baby plays with her toys and has some time to herself.  I spend a few hours doing housework, until 9:30 or so.  Then it is time to go after some retail customers.  Every month, I put together package hand-outs which include a monthly catalogue, a newsletter which I edit (see below), my business card, any sale information, and a sample or 2 if I have any.  I will spend an hour or so delivering these.  Since I am still building my business, I try different areas.  I started by handing them out only to people I know.  Now, however, I put them in mailboxes or hang them on door knobs of neighbors AND strangers.  I usually put together at least 40 packets, and anyone who has ordered from me in the past gets them first.  I then try different areas every month.  For example, last month, I gave them to a lot of people in town; this month, I covered a lot of area east of here.  Next month, I will probably go west… etc.  I might take 2 days to do this.  Sometimes I end up visiting with people for a little while, but it gives me a chance to talk about the products and answer questions.  This does cut into my traveling time and extends the time it takes me to hand out all 40 packets, which is why it sometimes takes a few days.  Also remember that this is only a few days out of the month.  The rest of the month, I spend that time at home, or visiting.


My daughter eats lunch around 11:30 so we have to be home by then.  Once she is fed and is down for her nap, I then dedicate the better part of the afternoon to answering phone messages, making phone calls, etc.  I also answer email at this point, by downloading it to Outlook Express and then going offline so as not to tie up the phone for extended periods.  In other words, I use this time to take care of office duties, and I can usually put in the afternoon, easily.


The baby’s next meal is at 3:30.  After that, I like to go for a walk.  I sometimes use this time to hand out packets to the neighbors, but mostly this is exercise and time with my daughter.  Then it’s home, supper, and time with the family; sometimes interrupted by phone calls and orders, but that’s not a big deal.  Once everyone else is in bed, I go on the Internet where I play online games with friends, or surf, or answer any email I didn’t get to in the afternoon, such as my online accounts (yahoo, hotmail, etc).  This is “me” time, which is very important for everyone to have.


My schedule is very flexible.  My daughter comes first, my family second.  My business comes when I have time.  If I need a break, I let the answering machine take all the phone calls.  If my daughter isn’t herself today, I put off delivering packets until another day.  Just like if it is raining, I don’t go for my walk today either.  It is a very liberating feeling to set your own hours and do your own thing.  What would happen to you if you decided that you didn’t feel like working today?  What if you decided to sleep in Monday morning and start work “when you get there”?  Would you still have a job to go to?  I will, and I LOVE IT!


But you have to want it bad enough, or it is never going to happen.  The whole concept of Network Marketing is to do the work now so you don’t have to later.  Get enough customers so you only have to collect orders next time and not do the work.  Recruit enough people in your down line so you make enough of an income from them so you eventually don’t have to work at all…. Just sit back and collect your bonus checks every month…  That’s what is called “Residual Income”.  Like a recording artist who makes a record and gets paid every time that record is played/sold, or the actor/actress who gets paid every time their movie is played…



The companies I have chosen

I was tempted to write a review on other companies that I have tried, but I don’t feel it would be right for me to give an opinion here. These companies may not have been right for me, but they could be right up your alley, so I don’t feel that would be appropriate since it is not what I am trying to achieve with this web site. However, please keep in mind that I have tried others and can give you my opinion if you want it.  All you have to do is ask.


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WATKINS  (Canada, USA)

Watkins is an older company, started in 1868.  We are celebrating Watkins’ 135th birthday this year! The products include gourmet spices which are special because of their high content of essential oils, they are stronger-tasting and longer lasting than any other spice brands; other baking products such as baking powder, Watkins award-winning double-strength vanilla which, unlike other brands, does not contain alcohol so it keeps its flavor, even after cooking; vitamins which are designed for specific purposes, such as Linimax which helps to fight pain from arthritis and other ailments; organic cleaning products; tried and trusted medicinal products which are also made from natural products; personal care products such as facial cleansers, soaps and shampoos; and more!


Watkins is easy to retail since it has been around so long and is a trusted name.  There is also such a wide selection that there is something for everyone.  They also offer gift baskets and gift certificates, which come in handy, as well as a wide assortment of business-building merchandise for your personal use.  I have a bumper sticker on my vehicle, and I use their forms and advertising aids often.  Also, the bags I pack my retail packets in are from Watkins.  They are designed for hanging on door-knobs and come in handy for lots of other uses.  I also have “presentation cards”, which are index cards that contain information on the products. This makes it easy to look something up and answer questions from customers.


I also belong to an elite group in Watkins.  “The Summit Group” was created by my “up-line” and is available ONLY to people sponsored into this line.  I have my own web site, created by them.  I get free training and advice, and there is a message board for asking and answering questions.  Everyone helps each other, and we have the fastest growing line in Watkins.  They also offer an ad co-op to help you advertise and promote your business to other network marketers.


To learn more about Watkins AND the Summit Group, click HERE and enter code TD3796.


To order Watkins products, use the ID # of 332040 and order from HERE.


To email me, click HERE


NUTRAFARMS (Canada – Ontario and Quebec only)



Nutrafarms Inc. is a fairly new company.  It started in 2001, after 3 years of research and set-up.  It is based out of Barrie, ON – Proudly Canadian!  Nutrafarms products are naturally grown and organic meats and vegetables, and occasionally fruits.  We also have environmentally friendly cleaning products. 


Nutrafarms are a great company for a few reasons:

1) The meat is properly aged = tenderness and quality. It is cut to perfection, minimizing both bone and fat = healthier.  Pork and Chicken are NOT pumped full of water (did you know that pork and chicken products found in supermarkets are allowed 38% moisture content, which adds cost, and subtracts flavor!)

2) Nutrafarms is also dedicated to the well-being of the animals themselves.  They have VERY strict standards when it comes to the farms they buy meat from.  First, the farm must have only one species, to ensure that feed is not being mixed.  The animals must be in a humane environment; no closed housing. Cows are grazed in pastures, chickens are in large enclosures, and so are the pigs.  The animals have room to move, and get plenty of exercise and fresh water.  Chicken kept in small cages has not muscle tone.  When butchered, the meat has no substance and will absorb water, as well as the other chemicals they are “bathed” in before being cut up and packaged for the stores, such as chlorine.  Did you know that, because of being mechanically butchered, chicken has to be disinfected before it can be eaten, and this includes up to 40 dips in a water/chlorine bath?

          The animals are also NOT given steroids, growth hormones, appetite stimulators, routine antibiotics, etc, or animal by-products.  They are fed ONLY what nature intended them to eat.

3) Nutrafarms is a Network Marketing company.  This means that, instead of having stores, they rely on Independent Distributors, such as myself, to market their product.  This opens up an entire new concept in grocery shopping!  SHOP AT HOME.


Nutrafarms is quick frozen to ensure freshness, and is delivered to the customer still frozen.  Did you know that regular house freezers are made for keeping meat frozen, not for freezing it?  Most meat is ruined from the slow-freeze process.  The fibers are stretched and ripped, ruining the quality. 


As a Nutrafarms Independent Distributor, all you have to do is take orders and send them to the head office, by fax or snail-mail.  The company takes care of the rest; phoning and confirming orders (and sometimes getting more products on that order), and they do the delivering.


Like all Network Marketing companies, when you sponsor others into the business, you will make a small percentage of that person’s business.  Sponsor enough people, and you can retire, but still receive a pay check!  How long does that take?  That depends on you; how much work you put into it. 


To learn more about Nutrafarms, click HERE.  My ID code is #03-108


For more information on these, or other network marketing companies, contact me:


Tammy Dobbs

PO Box 20  Glencairn ON  L0M 1K0

Email: [email protected]

Fax: 705-424-6671



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