Waking Insanity
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National Novel Writing Month
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Blah Blah, Woof Woof
Questor Thews . . . aka Kelly
[email protected]
I guess it would be good to do an introduction of sorts.  There's really nothing much to tell, nothing that would be of any interest I mean.  I'm just another person taking up more space on the internet.

I work for a local community college, but spend most of my free time writing.  I've been addicted to the habit since I was seven years old, way back in '83.  I've had some poetry published, but am currently working on getting some of my short stories out in the mix.

I'm participating in National Novel Writing Month contest to see if I can actually sit down and write a novel.  The idea is a neat one.  Its goal is to get writers to stop obsessing over QUALITY because it's that very thing which acts as a hinderance.  This is basically just a test to see if you can produce 50,000 words in a month.

My personal links so far:

To read my poetry click
To read my short stories click
To check the progress on my novel, click

I am really big on genealogy, to view more about what I'm researching, click

UPDATED: October 21, 2003
November 1, 1976
Reading, writing, music, movies, Broadway, genealogy, etc . . .
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