This is me ^. I don't usually post my pics online, but it was already on someone else's site, so I though it wouldn't be a big step to save it and put it here.

Name: Paranoia Princess (alias)

Age: 19

Status: taken

other web sites:

blood type: never asked...


    Colour: Rainbow

TV show: The  Simpsons and Anything anime (Anime rox)

Friends: well I don't pick favorites (my best friend is in cartoon on this site though).

Anime: Sailor Moon, Princess Mononoke, Ninja Scroll

Cars: Corvette Stingray, or Corvette Z03. Lamborghini Diablo, Ferrari (I don't know what model it is though), BMW Z3, Audi TT, Mercury Mystique (ha ha, inside joke). The new mustangs aren't bad, Mazda Miada, Porsche Carrera Gt... I think that's all...

Artist: Van Gogh

Music Artist: I don't have one favorite, I can tolerate just about anything, accept country... and I don't like inde punk.

Animals: Cats above all, especially Kittens. Lynx for my favorite wild animal, and I like horses. Dogs are ok, but I'd rather have a cat. I also like snakes, and I've wanted one since I was very small, but no one shares my love of snakes, so I'll probably never have one. I also like sheep, but only the cartoon ones.

Other information: I am very fun loving, and nice (so I'm told). I'm the biggest kid there is. I don't smoke, I drink responsably and ocassionally

The most important thing for everyone to know: There is no such thing as stupid! You're either lazy, or unwilling to do the work/learning to accomplish your goals. If you try, you can accomplish anything!

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