What Am I?

What could everyone have against

A face so innocent, are they dense?

A mind so pure and frivolous

What is this mess?

In which we call our world,

Where intelligence is exploited

Ignorance is televised,

Where mindless zombies never realize

They have no lives but others to size.


What’s wrong with this place?

A world so full of disobedience

Where chaos thrives on children’s lives

The complete void of emptiness

What procreated this insane mess?

Of what is and not at one point

Of our lives, or one’s life.


What is life, a world to live in

Where you have more pain and fears

Then love and wishes, is there sin

To do one wrong, what is wrong?

And right, when in a fight

Can one survive on the truth?


Are our lived lies and deceit?

To punish us in this hell

Are we in hell, or is this me?

And am I, or can it be

That she is I and I’m not me.


What can I be?

If I try hard will I succeed?

Or have I reached capacity, of my mind

Do you mind, to take a minuet your time?

Or is time, lying? What is time?

An organization of minuets

In which you live one second by one

And never realizing the realization that it will fly



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