My Paw Pals
  Asher & Beamer                                                                        last updated October 22, 2002
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Snooze time: After a long day at play, we retire in restful slumber. The floor may be cool to the senses, but we have each other to engulf us in fluffy warmth.
Partners in crime:
When mummy scolds me
(coz I poop all over the place),
I usually hide behind Asher ... and we both look so cute, mummy's heart just melts
              -- Beamer
Best of Pals:
Asher and me, we're best buds. I'd follow her wherever she goes. Altho' most of the time, I'm the one who draws her into mischief
-- Beamer
Chilling out:
Here we are hanging out at the front porch, where we eat and rough out together
-- Beamer
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