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Alison and Rafe did not get married under the impression that they were relatives. Livvie gets stuck inside of Tess. Elizabeth turns Ian.To protect her from Caleb, Jack married Tess. After a long struggle Caleb stayed with Tess. Elizabeth turns Joshua. Rafe and Alison reunite. Lucy killed Caleb, but he came back to life with Tess' help. Livvie comes back fully, marries Caleb, and it is turned. Rafe, Alison, Ian, Lucy find a hot spring under Caleb's house that can turn all the vampires back to humans if they have fed off a person. All vampires but Livvie, Ian and Joshua went back to normal.
Livvie tries to kill Alison but falls in her trap and loses the baby. Jack meets a girl in a cave called Tess. Marissa and Ricky get in band called the Stephen Clay Experience. Stephen Clay turns out to be Caleb. Elizabeth comes to town because Malcom is dead. Rafe proposes to Alison. Elizabeth goes out with Stephen, but when she tries to leave he bites her. Livvie tries to prove that Stephen is Caleb. Kevin comes back from the hospital. Elizabeth finds out she has been turned into a vampire. Tess and Livvie find out that Caleb created Tess from Livvie. Joshua decides to kill Livvie. Caleb tells Rafe that he was sent back because Rafe was sent back. Alison and Rafe are ready to get married.
Livvie tells Alison that she married Rafe to avenge her father's death. Kevin comes back and blows off his daughter. A shadow is the avenger of justice in Port Charles. Livvie sleeps with the Avatar to get pregnant. Rafe can't leave Livvie because of the baby. Alison finds out Rafe sould his soul to be with her.
Livvie drugs Kevin,when she is trying to hurt Frank. Rafe goes after Alison when she disapears. Rafe regains his memory. Livvie kills Rafe because he left her for Alison. Frank is almost killed because he rejected the Avatar. Ian takes matters into his hands, and kills the Avatar. Rafe is sent back to earth to be with Alison.
Alison is very sad with Rafe's departure and turns to her dead great-great-great-grandmother Rebecca,who lives in a picture , who looks like Paige. Alison makes candles and opens a candle shop  to be like Rebacca. Livvie doesn't approve of Ali's actions and tries to stop her. When Rebacca feels that Kevin is a threat to Alison she makes him desapear. Livvie blames Alison for her father's "death". Rafe sells his soul to be with Alison. But when he returns to earth with no memory of the last 10 years , Livvie tricks him into marring her. Alison admits killing Kevin to spare Lucy of more pain, but she collapses, and enters a coma.Rafe lights the candle that will bring Kevin back. Alison awakes with a kiss from Rafe.
Three strangers come to town :Paige, Casey, Amy . Rafe comes back from heaven . Valery tries to kill Alison but ends up dead herself. Alison and Jamal break up . Alison descovers she loves Rafe and that he loves her . The three strangers turn out to be angels , but one of them is a dark angel with the mission to kill someone. Amy turns out to be the dark angel and sets a trap to kill Ian , but she falls in love with him and cannot avenge her father.Eve follows Ian , but ends up in a car accident , where she is killed.
Rafe and Alison help all couples to get back together. Lucy finds out Kevin is seeing someone else. Lucy tries to leave town to avoid a magical evening .
But she can't get away. Kevin proposes to Lucy , but she tells him about the other woman. He insists , she acceptes. In the middle of the Wedding Lucy descovers that her flower girl is Cristina. And the woman is Julie , who gave Cristina back to Lucy. Rafe goes back to heaven.Alison has an accident and cannot get to Jamal in Chicago.
Eve is in labor when she realizes her and Ian are not really married.Lucy and Kevin get a priest to marry Eve and Ian . Caleb is making Livvie do things for him in order to bring him back, but when she realizes he is using her she formulates a plan. All couples have broken up , because of Caleb .Alison finds out Rafe in an angel. Livvie and Caleb set a trap for everybody else , but when Caleb confesses his feelings for her , Livvie kills him with a stake in his heart.
Arianna gets the liver transplant she needs and leaves town. Ian goes after Eve.
Jack dies and comes back as a vampire. Eve and Ian get married. Caleb is after Livvie. Gabriella becomes a vampire and finds out that Jamal is her brother. Jack and Caleb fight over Livvie . When Eve goes to Michael for help she descovers that he is Caleb. Caleb bits Livvie and marries her. The town joins forces to kill Caleb, but Michael does the job himself.
Eve and Ian see their love through time. Frank talks to a girl in 1973 through an old computer . When he realizes that Karen desapeared because he changed the past he travels back in time to save her. Eve and Ian can't hide their love , but while they are making love , Arianna's brother attacks her.
Eve finds out she is pregnant and leaves town , becoming a friend with good father Michael.
Eve is struck by a car and Loses her memory. Ian marries Arianna to save her from her brother. Eve regains her memory and goes to Ian , but she finds out that he is married. Lucy finds out that she can't have children, and breakes up Kevin. Ian saves Eve from a deadly sickness while in an island that makes all of their dreams come true. Kevin tells Lucy that he loves her.
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