Julian Richard Famisaran-Rudder
My name is Julian. My family and friends call me Peapod. Thats because I was as little as a peapod when I was born. I was born on December 13, 2001. I was 6lbs 4oz. Now I am a big boy! I love my dada, Jon, and my mama, Kim.  They love me too!
I like to play all the time! Me and dada like to play on the computer and me and mama like to play games and sing songs and dance.  I also like to go to my grandparents house and play with them and also my auntie. I have two really big kitties that I love to bother all the time.

I want to walk soon because I like to get into all kinds of things. I don't understand why they lke to hide eveything from me. All I want to do is touch it all.
Well, there is my dada and my mama and my lolo and lola (grandparents)I also have my Auntie Kirstyn and Uncle Andy, and then my Aunties Coreena and April and last but not least, my Uncle Tuna!
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